Shall we rely on bots?” Students’ adherence to the integration of ChatGPT in the classroom, HELMeTO 2023
Shall we rely on bots?” Students’ adherence to the integration of ChatGPT in the classroom, HELMeTO 2023
Shall we rely on bots?” Students’ adherence to the integration of ChatGPT in the classroom, HELMeTO 2023
TIDE will be present at HELMeTO 2023:
J. Roberto Sánchez Reina, Emily Theophilou, Davinia Hernandez-Leo and Dimitri Ognibene, “Shall we rely on bots?” Students’ adherence to the integration of ChatGPT in the classroom, HELMeTO - International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, September 2023, Foggia, Italy.
The introduction of ChatGPT into educational settings has sparked considerable controversy due to its exceptional performance and ability to streamline task management for both teachers and students. However, the success of ChatGPT has also given rise to apprehensions regarding the potential for AI-assisted cheating, resulting in restrictions on its usage in schools and even in certain countries. Consequently, the impact of ChatGPT in the realm of education has instigated a comprehensive discourse, primarily driven by media discussions and, to a lesser extent, research inquiries that explore its efficacy and implications (Lo, 2023). To contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding ChatGPT, this study sought to examine the degree of undergraduate students' alignment with the integration of AI within society and its association with the adoption of ChatGPT in educational environments. Specifically, the research question guiding this investigation was formulated as follows: "To what extent is the acceptance of ChatGPT in the classroom correlated with students' adherence to AI?"
The findings from this study indicate that students with more optimistic attitudes (Openness/Adherence) showed significantly more positive attitudes towards ChatGPT compared to their counterparts with negative attitudes. These findings provide insights into the relationship between individual attitudes and perceptions of ChatGPT, emphasizing the importance of optimism and adherence as factors influencing attitudes toward AI systems.
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