Vés enrere Laia Albó participated in a panel about MOOCs in the symposium BCSalut 2019

Laia Albó participated in a panel about MOOCs in the symposium BCSalut 2019




The 14th of November 2019, Laia Albó from the TIDE research group participated in a panel about “Training in Virtual Environments: the MOOCs” within the conference “BCSalut 2019”. The event, organized by the Catalan Libraries of the health department of the Generalitat, had two main aims:

  1. Bring together professionals working in the world of information and documentation in the health sciences and professionals in the health sector.

  2. Facilitate a meeting environment around information and documentation in the health sciences for all these professionals.


In this edition, the event was focused specifically on exploring the new challenges and new competences needed for the transformation of the libraries of health sciences. The agenda proposed tackled the following objectives:

  • Identify and analyze the main future trends in the area of management and access to scientific information.

  • Analyze the new scenarios that arise in knowledge management.

  • Share the cases of innovation in the sector.


Access to the event agenda: https://bibliotecasalut.gencat.cat/CAT/Formacio/jornades-biblioteques-salut-catalunya/IIIJornadesbibliotequesisalutcatalunya/Pagines/Programa-de-les-jornades.aspx 


Access to the presentation “Training in Virtual Environments: the MOOCs” by Laia Albó here: https://scientiasalut.gencat.cat/handle/11351/4448



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