Vés enrere Laia Albó defended her PhD thesis today

Laia Albó defended her PhD thesis today





Laia Albó, (2019) Visual data-enriched design technology for blended learning, PhD Thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Supervised by Prof. Davinia Hernández-Leo

List of derived publications below.


Journal papers:

  • Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D. & Moreno-Oliver, V. (2018). Smartphones or laptops in the collaborative classroom? A study of video-based learning in higher education, Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(6), 637-649.
  • Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D. (2019). Conceptualizing a visual representation model for MOOC-based blended learning designs, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (in press).
  • Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D., Barceló, L., & Sanabria, L. (2016). Video-based Learning in Higher Education: The Flipped or the Hands-On Classroom? Special Issue of the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (Best of EDEN 2015), 50–61.
  • Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D. (2019). Co-creating a web-based visual representation model for authoring blended learning designs. Interaction Design and Architecture Journal (accepted).

Conference papers:

  • Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D., Barcelo, J., & Sanabria, L. (2015). Video-Based Learning in Higher Education: the Flipped or the Hands-on Classroom? In EDEN Annual Conference (pp. 400–408). Barcelona, Spain. [BEST PAPER AWARD FINALIST]
  • Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D. & Oliver, M. (2016). Are higher education students registering and participating in MOOCs? The case of MiríadaX Methodology. Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016, 197–210.
  • Albó, L., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2016). Blended learning with MOOCs: towards supporting the learning design process. In G. Ubachs & L. Konings (Eds.), The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2016 (pp. 578–588). Rome (Italy): EADTU, Oct. 2016.
  • Albó, L., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). edCrumble: designing for learning with data analytics. In V. Pammer-Schindler...(Eds.), Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning. EC-TEL 2018. LNCS, vol 11082. (pp. 605–608). Leeds, UK: Springer, Cham. [BEST DEMO AWARD]
  • Albó, L., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). Identifying design principles for learning design tools: the case of edCrumble. In V. Pammer-Schindler, ... (Eds.), Lifelong TEL. EC-TEL 2018. LNCS (Vol. 11082, pp. 406–411). Leeds, UK: Springer, Cham.
  • Albó, L., Butera-Castelo, R., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2019). Supporting the planning of hybrid-MOOCs learning designs. In M. Calise, C. ... (Eds.), EMOOCs 2019  (pp. 8–13). Naples, Italy: CEUR-WS.
  • Albó, L., Barria-Pineda, J., Brusilovsky, P., Hernández-Leo, D. (2019). Concept-level design analytics for blended courses. In M. Scheffel, ...(Eds.), Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies. EC-TEL 2019. LNCS (Vol. 11722, pp. 541–554). Delft, The Netherlands: Springer, Cham.

Workshop papers:

  • Albó, L., Hernández-Leo, D., & Oliver, M. (2016). Blended MOOCs: University teachers’ perspective. In C. Delgado Kloos, P. J. Muñoz-Merino, R. M. Crespo-García, & C. Alario-Hoyos (Eds.), Trends in Digital Education: Selected papers from ECTEL 2015 Workshops CHANGEE, WAPLA, and HybridEd (Vol. 1599, pp. 11–15). Aachen: CEUR-WS.
  • Albó, L., & Gelpí, C. (2017). From a FutureLearn MOOC to a blended SPOC: the experience of a Catalan Sign Language course. In HybridEd Workshop, EMOOCs 2017, Leganés, Spain.
  • Albó, L., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2017). Breaking the walls of a campus summer course for high school students with two MOOCs. In HybridEd Workshop, EMOOCs 2017, Leganés, Spain.
  • Albó, L., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2018). Co-creation process and challenges in the conceptualization and development of the edCrumble learning design tool. In A. Piotrkowicz, R. Dent-Spargo, S. Dennerlein, I. Koren, P. Antoniou, P. Bailey, T.Treasure-Jones, I. Fronza, C. Pahl (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the CC-TEL 2018 and TACKLE 2018 Workshops. Leeds, United Kingdom: CEUR-WS.
  • Albó, L. & Hernández-Leo, D. How educators value design analytics for blended learning. In Hybrid Learning Spaces -Design, Data, Didactics, ECTEL 2019. Deft, The Netherlands (accepted).





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