Vés enrere LASI 2021 keynotes, by Barbara Wasson and Xavier Ochoa

LASI 2021 keynotes, by Barbara Wasson and Xavier Ochoa



Videos - Keynotes, Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2021 (LASI Spain 21), hosted by @TIDE_UPF


Learning Analytics Impact

After 10 years Learning Analytics and Knowledge is a thriving research field, but still has to make a major impact on education. Why is it so hard to make impact? Through reflections on research to practice, and examples from two projects involving learning analytics (one on responses to Covid10 and the second on an infrastructure for learning analytics in a Norwegian Municipality) I will highlight some of the challenges and obstacles for making an impact on education.


Professor Dr. Barbara Wasson is Director of the Centre for The Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE), the Norwegian national centre for learning analytics. She was one of the founders of Kaleidoscope, a European Network of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning. Wasson is/has been PI for numerous national and international projects, including the Erasmus+ project DALI: Data Literacy for Citizens. Her research interests include interaction design, computer support for collaborative learning (CSCL), mobile learning, learning games, artificial intelligence in education, e-assessment, teacher inquiry, and learning analytics.


Augmenting Feedback for Transversal Skills with Multimodal Learning Analytics

In this talk, we will explore how the intersection of learning analytics, artificial intelligence and low-cost IoT is fueling the emergence of a new breed of educational solutions. These solutions promise to change the "learn-by-exposure" approach that has traditionally been used with soft or transversal skills to a new paradigm of "deliberate-practice", similar to the one used in most disciplinar skills. We will discuss the opportunities, challenges and risk of automatically generating actionable metrics to help students acquire communication or collaboration skills. Finally, we will consider the current state-of-the-art and the current trends in this exciting new application of multimodal learning analytics.


Xavier Ochoa is an Assistant Professor of Learning Analytics in the Department of Administration, Leadership, and Technology of the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University. He is also a member of the Learning Analytics Research Network (LEARN) at NYU and leads the Augment-Ed research group. Xavier has been an active researcher in the field of Learning Analytics since its inception in 2011. He served in the executive committee and was vice-president of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Learning Analytics. His main research interest is the automatic measurement and feedback of 21st century skills through multimodal analysis of learning activities that occur across physical and online spaces. More information at: https://wp.nyu.edu/xavier_ochoa/






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