Vés enrere 29th January: Gender equality and media regulation: frameworks, challenges and good practices” by Claudia Padovani

29th January: Gender equality and media regulation: frameworks, challenges and good practices” by Claudia Padovani

“Gender equality and media regulation: frameworks,
challenges and good practices” by Claudia Padovani

29th January/ Mercè Rodoreda Auditorium. Ciutadella Campus 04-06 pm

CLAUDIA PADOVANI is Associate Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Padova (Italy). Her main areas of interest concern the transformation of political processes in the global context and their connection to the evolution of communication processes and technologies, with a particular focus on gender equality issues, communication rights and social justice. Relevant recent publications are: G ender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe (with K. Ross, 2017, Routledge); themed issue of C omPol on “The Politics of Media Gender Equality. Lessons learned and struggles for change twenty years after the Beijing Fourth World Conference on Women” (with Elena Pavan, 2016, Il Mulino); “Gendering media policy research and communication governance” (in J anvost. The Public , Vol 25, 2018).

She has coordinated the Italian team of the Global Media Monitoring Project since 2000; has participated as senior researcher in a pan-European project, funded by the European Institute for Gender Equality on “Advancing gender equality in decision-making in media organizations” (2013); and is currently involved in a EU-funded project on A dvancing Gender Equality in Media Industries (AGEMI, 2017-2019) on the dissemination of good practices for gender equality in the media and ICT.