Vés enrere Special Issue: Information and power in and around the working commissions - Parliaments, Estates & Representation - Volume 39 - Number 3 - December 2019

Special Issue: Information and power in and around the working commissions - Parliaments, Estates & Representation - Volume 39 - Number 3 - December 2019



Special Issue: Information and power in and around the working commissions of parliamentary and representative institutions, 15th-21st centuries

Guest editor: Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols



Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols


The power and control of information in municipal representation in the Catalan courts: the Consell de Prohoms of Lleida in the fifteenth century

Esther Martí Sentañes


The role played by towns in parliamentary commissions in the Kingdom of Sardinia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

Olivetta Schena


Parliamentary committees in seventeenth-century Ireland: a brief introduction

Coleman A. Dennehy


Commissioners, ad hoc committees and negotiators in the cortes of Catalonia, 1701-02

Josep Capdeferro


Information and power. The government of Catalonia and its minor committees (1700-13)

Eduard Martí


Pouvoir et Information dans les mains du Comité des rapports: un comité-pendule entre les pouvoirs législatif et exécutif sous l’Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-91)

Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols


The Italian parliamentary committee of inquiry on brigandage in the Neapolitan provinces. Political practices and institutional dynamics (1862-63)

Simona Fazio


Parliamentary committees in Spain during the First World War: a useful tool for the cortes in times of crisis?

Marcella Aglietti


Democratic representation and information in a supranational setting: the case of the European Parliament (1979-2019)

Martí Grau i Segú





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