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La COVID-19 ha revelat la profunda interconnexió entre el comportament humà i les malalties zoonòtiques, especialment entre la dieta humana i altres vectors socioeconòmics que afecten el medi ambient. Sis de cada deu malalties infeccioses es poden propagar a partir d’animals no humans i tres quartes parts de les noves malalties humanes es van originar en altres animals. La COVID-19 no és una excepció. La forma en què tractem els animals no humans directament (caçant, explotant-los en granges, traficant, etc.) o indirectament (per la pressió humana o la contaminació dels seus hàbitats, recursos i el medi ambient en general) és al cor d’aquesta crisi. Aquí hem reunit més de 200 treballs que ajuden a establir la conneció entre com els humans tracten els altres animals i l'emergència de malalties zoonòtiques. Hem recollit llibres, documents científics i articles de diaris per a investigadors, periodistes, responsables polítics i públic en general.
Editores: Thaïs Sánchez, Gina Thornton, Roser Garí i Núria Almiron
Assessorament: Roser Garí
Darrera modificació: Març 2021
Termes de cerca:
- Malalties: Avian flu, Avian influenza, Mad Cow, MERS, Aids, Covid19, Ebola, HIV, Influenza, Influenza A, Influenza viruses, Lyme, Nipah Virus, Salmonella, Sars, Sars-Co-V-2, Spanish influenza, Swine flu, Swine influenza, Tick-Borne disease, Vector-Brone disease, West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Contagion from humans to mammals
- Animals no humans: Farmed animals, Companion animals, Animals in nature, Zoos
- Altres: One health
Aguirre, A. Alonso. 2017. Changing patterns of emerging zoonotic diseases in wildlife, domestic animals, and humans linked to biodiversity loss and globalization. ILAR journal, 58(3): 315-318. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; ONE HEALTH)
Akin, Event and Gözel, Mustafa. G. 2020. Understanding dynamics of pandemics. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences. 50(SI-1): 515-519. (COVID-19)
Altizer Sonia et al. 2018. Food for contagion: synthesis and future directions for studying host parasite responses to resource shifts in anthropogenic environments. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170102. (FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE; ONE HEALTH)
Åsjö, Birgitta., andKruse, Hilde. 2006. Zoonoses in the Emergence of Human viral diseases. Perspectives in Medical Virology, 16: 15-41. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Bailey, Jarrod. 2008. An Assessment of the Role of Chimpanzees in AIDS Vaccine Research’, Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 36(4): 381–428. (AIDS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Bekker, Johan. L., Jooste, Piet J., andHoffman, Louw C. 2012. Wildlife-associated zoonotic diseases in some southern African countries in relation to game meat safety: A review. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 79(1): 1-12. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Bender, Jeff B., Shulman, Stephanie A. 2004. Reports of zoonotic disease outbreaks associated with animal exhibits and availability of recommendations for preventing zoonotic disease transmission from animals to people in such settings. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 224(7): 1105-1109. (COMPANION ANIMALS; ZOOS; FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Bengis, R. G., Leighton, F. A., Fischer, J. R., Artois, M., Morner, T., and Tate, C. M. 2004. The role of wildlife in emerging and re-emerging zoonoses. Revue scientifique et technique-office international des epizooties, 23(2): 497-512. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; INFLUENZA A; EBOLA)
Bengis, Roy G., Kock, Richard A., and Fischer, John (2002). Infectious animal diseases: the wildlife/livestock interface. Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics), 21(1): 53-65. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Böhm, Monika, White, Piram C., Chambers, J., Smith, Lesley, andHutchings, M. R. 2007. Wild deer as a source of infection for livestock and humans in the UK. The Veterinary Journal, 174(2): 260-276. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Broglia, Alessandro, and Kapel. Christian. 2011. Changing dietary habits in a changing world: emerging drivers for the transmission of foodborne parasitic zoonoses. Veterinary parasitology, 182(1): 2-13. (FARMED ANIMALS)
Bui, Chau M., Chughtai, Abrar A., Adam, Dillon C., and MacIntyre, C. Raina. 2017. An overview of the epidemiology and emergence of influenza A infection in humans over time. Archives of Public Health, 75(1): 15. (INFLUENZA A; SPANISH INFLUENZA; AVIAN INFLUENZA ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Burroughs, Tom, Knobler, Stacey, and Lederberg, Joshua 2002. The emergence of zoonotic diseases: understanding the impact on animal and human health: workshop summary. National Academy Press. (ONE HEALTH)
Cabello, Carlos, Cabello, Felipe 2008. Zoonosis con reservorios silvestres: Amenazas a la salud pública y a la economía. Revista médica de Chile, 136(3): 385-393. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; ONE HEALTH)
Calisher, Charles H., Childs, James E., Field, Hume E., Holmes, Kathryn V., andSchountz, Tony 2006. Bats: important reservoir hosts of emerging viruses. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 19(3), 531-545. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Cascio, A., Bosilkovski, M., Rodriguez-Morales, A. J., andPappas, G. 2011. The socio-ecology of zoonotic infections. Clinical microbiology and infection, 17(3): 336-342. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; COMPANION ANIMALS)
Chen, Nanhua, et al. 2020l. How related is SARS-CoV-2 to other coronaviruses? Veterinary Record, 186(15): 496-496. (COVID19; SARS-CO-V-2; SARS; MERS)
Chen, Ying, Cheng, Jian, Xu, Zhiwei, Hu, Wenbiao, and Lu, Jiahai. 2020. Live poultry market closure and avian influenza A (H7N9) infection in cities of China, 2013–2017: an ecological study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20: 1-10. (AVIAN INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS)
Childs, James E., Richt, Jürgen A., andMackenzie, John S. 2007. Introduction: conceptualizing and partitioning the emergence process of zoonotic viruses from wildlife to humans. In Wildlife and emerging zoonotic diseases: The biology, circumstances and consequences of cross-species transmission (pp. 1-31). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Chomel, Bruno B., Belotto, Albino, andMeslin, François-Xavier. 2007. Wildlife, Exotic Pets, and Emerging Zoonoses. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13(1): 6. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; COMPANION ANIMALS; ZOOS)
Christou, Leonidas. 2011. The global burden of bacterial and viral zoonotic infections. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 17(): 326-330. (AVIAN INFLUENZA)
Chua, Kaw Bing, Chua, Ben Hui, andWang, Chew Wen 2002. Anthropogenic deforestation, El Niiio and the emergence of Nipah virus in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Pathology, 24(1): 15-21. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; NIPAH VIRUS; FARMED ANIMALS)
Conrad, Cheyenne C., Stanford, Kim, Narvaez-Bravo, Claudia, Callaway, Todd, AND McAllister, Tim. 2017. Farm fairs and petting zoos: a review of animal contact as a source of zoonotic enteric disease. Foodborne pathogens and disease, 14(2): 59-73. (FARMED ANIMALS; COMPANION ANIMALS; ZOOS; SALMONELLA)
Corlett, Richard. T. et al. 2020. Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Biodiversity Conservation. Biological Conservation, 246. (COVID-19)
Corry, Janet E., and Hinton, Mike H. 1997. Zoonoses in the meat industry: a review. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 45: 457-479. (FARMED ANIMALS; SALMONELLA)
Cross, Alice R., Baldwin, Victoria M., Roy, Sumita, Essex-Lopresti, Angela E., Prior, Joann L., & Harmer, Nicholas J. 2019. Zoonoses under our noses. Microbes and Infection, 21(1), 10-19. (ONE HEALTH)
Cutler, Sally J., Fooks, Anthony R., andvan der Poel, Wim H. 2010. Public Health Threat of New, Reemerging, and Neglected Zoonoses in the Industrialized World. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 16(1): 1-7. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Daszak, Peter, Andrew A. Cunningham, and Alex D. Hyatt. 2001. Anthropogenic environmental change and the emergence of infectious diseases in wildlife. Acta tropica, 78(2): 103-116. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; NIPAH VIRUS; WEST NILE VIRUS)
Daszak, Peter., Cunningham, Andrew A., andHyatt, Alex D. 2000. Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife--threats to biodiversity and human health. Science, 287(5452): 443-449. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Dzingirai, Vupenyu, Bukachi, Salome, Leach, Melissa, Mangwanya, Lindiwe, Scoones, Ian, andWilkinson, Annie 2017. Structural drivers of vulnerability to zoonotic disease in Africa. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 372(1725), 20160169. (ONE HEALTH)
Fernandez Jr, Guiraldo C., and Bande, Marlito José M. 2020. Anthropocentrism, Forest Loss, Corona Virus2019 and Rainforestation. Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy Special Issue, July 2020, pp. 53-72. (COVID19; ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; ONE HEALTH)
Fèvre, Eric M., Bronsvoort, Barend. M. D. C., Hamilton, Katie A., andCleaveland, Sarah. 2006. Animal movements and the spread of infectious diseases. Trends in microbiology, 14(3): 125-131. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Field, Hume E. 2009. Bats and emerging zoonoses: henipaviruses and SARS. Zoonoses and public health, 56(6‐7): 278-284. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; NIPAH VIRUS; SARS)
Friant Sagan, Paige Sarah B., Goldberg Tony L. 2015. Drivers of Bushmeat Hunting and Perceptions of Zoonoses in Nigerian Hunting Communities. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9(5): e0003792. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Gage, Kenneth L., andKosoy, Micheal Y. 2005. Natural history of plague: perspectives from more than a century of research. Annu. Rev. Entomol., 50: 505-528. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Gilbert, Marius, Slingenbergh, Jan and Xiao, Xiangming. 2008. Climate change and avian influenza. Revue scientifique et technique, 27(2):459–466. (AVIAN INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Gilchrist, Mary J., Greko, Christina, Wallinga, David B., Beran, George W., Riley, David G., and Thorne, Peter S. 2007. The potential role of concentrated animal feeding operations in infectious disease epidemics and antibiotic resistance. Environmental health perspectives, 115(2), 313-316. (FARMED ANIMALS; INFLUENZA)
Gortázar, Christian, Ferroglio, Ezio, Höfle, Ursula, Frölich, Kai, andVicente, Joaquín. 2007. Diseases shared between wildlife and livestock: a European perspective. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 53(4): 241. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Gortazar, Christian, Reperant, Leslie A., Kuiken, Thijs, de la Fuente, José, Boadella, Mariana, Martínez-Lopez, Beatriz, ... and Ostfeld, Richard. 2014. Crossing the interspecies barrier: opening the door to zoonotic pathogens. PLoS Pathog, 10(6), e1004129. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; ONE HEALTH)
Grace, Delia, et al. 2012. Mapping of poverty and likely zoonoses hotspots. Report to Department for International Development, UK. International Livestock Research Institute. (FARMED ANIMALS)
Graham, Jay P., Leibler, Jessica H., Price, Lance B., Otte, Joachim M., Pfeiffer, D. U., Tiensin, T., and Silbergeld, Ellen K. 2008. The animal-human interface and infectious disease in industrial food animal production: rethinking biosecurity and biocontainment. Public health reports, 123(3): 282-299. (AVIAN INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS)
Han, Barbara A., Kramer, Andrew M., and Drake, John M. 2016. Global patterns of zoonotic disease in mammals. Trends in parasitology, 32(7): 565-577. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Hockings, Marc, Dudley, Nigel, and Elliott, Wendy. 2020. Editorial Essay: COVID-19 and protected and conserved areas. Parks Journal, 26(1): 7–24. (COVID19; ONE HEALTH)
IPBES. 2020. Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Pandemics of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Daszak, P., Amuasi, J., das Neves, C. G., Hayman, D., Kuiken, T., Roche, B., Zambrana-Torrelio, C., Buss, P., Dundarova, H., Feferholtz, Y., Földvári, G., Igbinosa, E., Junglen, S., Liu, Q., Suzan, G., Uhart, M., Wannous, C., Woolaston, K., Mosig Reidl, P., O’Brien, K., Pascual, U., Stoett, P., Li, H., Ngo, H. T., IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Jansen, Wiebke, Mueller, Anja, Grabowski, Nils T., Kehrenberg, Corinna, Muylkens, Benoît, and Al Dahouk, Sacha. 2019. Foodborne diseases do not respect borders: zoonotic pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in food products of animal origin illegally imported into the European Union. The Veterinary Journal, 244: 75-82. (FARMED ANIMALS; SALMONELLA)
Johnson, Christine K., Hitchens, Peta L., Evans, Tierra S., Goldstein, Tracey, Thomas, Kate, Clements, Andrew, ... andMazet, Jonna K. 2015. Spillover and pandemic properties of zoonotic viruses with high host plasticity. Scientific reports, 5, 14830. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Johnson, Christine K., Hitchens, Peta L., Pandit, Pranav S., Rushmore, Julie, Evans, Tierra S., Young, Cristin C., and Doyle, Megan M. 2020. Global shifts in mammalian population trends reveal key predictors of virus spillover risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1924), 20192736. (FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE; ONE HEALTH)
Jones, Bryony A., Grace, Delia, Kock, Rock, Alonso, Silvia, Rushton, Jonathan, Said, Mohammed Y., ... andPfeiffer, Dirk U. 2013. Zoonosis emergence linked to agricultural intensification and environmental change.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(21), 8399-8404. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; ONE HEALTH)
Jones, Kate E., Patel, Nikkita G., Levy, Marc A., Storeygard, Adam, Balk, Deborah, Gittleman, John L., andDaszak, Peter. 2008. Global trends in emerging infectious diseases. Nature, 451(7181): 990-993. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Kamins, Alexandra O. et al. 2015. Characteristics and risk perceptions of Ghanaians potentially exposed to bat-borne zoonoses through bushmeat. EcoHealth, 12(1): 104-120. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Karesh, W. B., andNoble, E. 2009. The bushmeat trade: increased opportunities for transmission of zoonotic disease. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine, 76(5): 429-434. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Karesh, William B., and Cook, Robert A. 2005. The human-animal link. Foreign Affairs, 84: 38–50. (ONE HEALTH; FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Karesh, William B., Dobson, Andy, Lloyd-Smith, James O., Lubroth, Juan, Dixon, M. A., Bennett, Malcom, ... and Machalaba, Catherine C. 2012. Ecology of zoonoses: natural and unnatural histories. The Lancet, 380(9857): 1936-1945. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Keesing, Felicia, Belden, Lisa K., Daszak, Peter, Dobson, Andrew, Harvell, C. Drew, Holt, Robert D., ... andMyers, Samuel S. 2010. Impacts of biodiversity on the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases.Nature, 468(7324): 647-652. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; ONE HEALTH)
Kilpatrick, A. Marm, andRandolph, Sarah E. 2012. Drivers, dynamics, and control of emerging vector-borne zoonotic diseases. The Lancet, 380(9857): 1946-1955. (VECTOR-BORNE; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Kilpatrick, A. Marm. 2011. Globalization, land use, and the invasion of West Nile virus. Science, 334(6054): 323-327. (WEST NILE VIRUS; ONE HEALTH)
Kruse, Hilde, Kirkemo, Anne-Mette, and Handeland, Kjell 2004. Wildlife as source of zoonotic infections.Emerging infectious diseases, 10(12), 2067. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Le Duc, James W., and Nathanson, Neal 2016. Emerging viral diseases: why we need to worry about bats, camels, and airplanes. In Viral Pathogenesis, edited by Michael G. Katze, Marcus J. Korth, ... Neal Nathanson (pp. 215-231). Academic Press. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Leibler, Jessica H., Otte, Joachim, and Silbergeld, Ellen K. 2008. Zoonotic disease risks and socioeconomic structure of industrial poultry production: review of the US experience with contract growing. Research Reports RR, (08-06). (FARMED ANIMALS; AVIAN INFLUENZA)
Leibler, Jessica H., Otte, Joachim., Roland-Holst, David, Pfeiffer, Dirk U., Magalhaes, Ricardo S., Rushton, Jonathan, ... and Silbergeld, Ellen K. 2009. Industrial food animal production and global health risks: exploring the ecosystems and economics of avian influenza. Ecohealth, 6(1): 58–70. (FARMED ANIMALS)
Lindsey, Peter. et al. 2020 Conserving Africa’s wildlife and wildlands through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4(10): 1300–1310. (SARS-CoV-2; COVID19; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Lycett, Samantha. J., Duchatel, Florian, and Digard, Paul. 2019 A brief history of bird flu. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 374(1775). (AVIAN INFLUENZA; ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Lycett, Samantha. J., Duchatel, Florian, and Digard, Paul. 2019. A brief history of bird flu. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 374(1775). (AVIAN INFLUENZA, FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Lymbery, Philip. 2020. Covid-19: Cómo la ganadería industrial propicia pandemias. Derecho Animal, 11(4): 141-149. (COVID19; AVIAN FLU; SWINE FLU; FARMED ANIMALS)
Macpherson, Calum N. 2005. Human behaviour and the epidemiology of parasitic zoonoses. International journal for parasitology, 35(11-12): 1319-1331. (COMPANION ANIMALS; FARMED ANIMALS)
Magouras, Ioannis, Brookes, Victoria J., Jori, Ferran, Martin, Angela, Pfeiffer, Dirk U., andDürr, Salome 2020. Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: Should We Rethink the Animal–Human Interface?. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 748. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; COVID19; SARS; AVIAN INFLUENZA)
Mahy, Brian W., and Brown, Corrie C. 2000. Emerging zoonoses: crossing the species barrier. Revue Scientifique et Technique, 19(1): 33-40. (FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE; AIDS; INFLUENZA; NIPAH)
Mathews, Fiona 2009. Zoonoses in wildlife: integrating ecology into management. Advances in parasitology, 68: 185-209. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Meng, Xiang‐Jin, David S. Lindsay, and Nammalwar Sriranganathan. 2009. Wild boars as sources for infectious diseases in livestock and humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1530): 2697-2707. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Monsalve, Santiago, Mattar, Salim, and Gonzalez, Marco. 2009. Zoonosis transmitidas por animales silvestres y su impacto en las enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 14(2): 1762–1773 (COVID19; FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Morand, Serge, McIntyre, K. Marie, andBaylis, Matthew 2014. Domesticated animals and human infectious diseases of zoonotic origins: domestication time matters. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 24: 76-81. (FARMED ANIMALS)
Morens, David M., Folkers, Gregory K., and Fauci, Anthony S. 2004. The challenge of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. Nature, 430(6996): 242-249. (ONE HEALTH)
Morse, Stephen S., et al. Prediction and prevention of the next pandemic zoonosis. The Lancet 380.9857 (2012): 1956-1965. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Murray, Kris A., Allen, Toph, Loh, Elisabeth., Machalaba, Catherine, andDaszak, Peter. 2016. Emerging viral zoonoses from wildlife associated with animal-based food systems: risks and opportunities. In Food safety risks from wildlife, edited by Michele Jay-RussellMichael P. Doyle (pp. 31-57). Cham: Springer. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; AVIAN INFLUENZA; SARS; EBOLA; HIV)
Myers, Kendall P., et al. 2006. Are swine workers in the United States at increased risk of infection with zoonotic influenza virus?. Clinical infectious diseases, 42(1): 14-20. (INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS)
Navarro-Gonzalez, Nora, Ugarte-Ruiz, María, Domínguez, Lucas, andRuiz-Fons, Francisco 2016. A European perspective on the transmission of foodborne pathogens at the wildlife–livestock–human interface. In Food safety risks from wildlife, edited by Michele Jay-RussellMichael P. Doyle (pp. 59-88). Cham: Springer. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Neupane, Dinesh. 2020. How conservation will be impacted in the COVID-19 pandemic. Wildlife Biology2020(2). (COVID-19; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
O’Sullivan, Victoria. 2020. Non-Human Animal Trauma During the Pandemic. Postdigit Sci Educ 2: 588–596. (SARS-CoV-2; FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
OECD. 2020. Biodiversity and the economic response to COVID-19: Ensuring a green and resilient recovery. OECD Policy Response, 28 September. (COVID19; ANIMALS IN NATURE; ONE HEALTH)
Olival, Kevin J. et al. 2017. Host and viral traits predict zoonotic spillover from mammals. Nature, 546(7660): 646-650. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Ostfeld, Richard S. 2009. Biodiversity loss and the rise of zoonotic pathogens. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 15: 40-43. (WEST NILE VIRUS; LYME; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Patrono, Livia V. et al. 2018. Human coronavirus OC43 outbreak in wild chimpanzees, Côte d´Ivoire, 2016. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 7(1): 1–4. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; ZOO)
Pavlin, Boris I., Schloegel, Lisa M., and Daszak, Peter. 2009. Risk of importing zoonotic diseases through wildlife trade, United States. Emerging infectious diseases, 15(11): 1721. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Platto, Sara. et al. 2020. Biodiversity loss and COVID-19 pandemic: The role of bats in the origin and the spreading of the disease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 538: 2–13. (COVID-19; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
ProVeg e.V. 2020. Informe sobre Pandemias y Alimentación: Parte I – Estableciendo la conexión: Pandemias y sistemas alimentarios basados en productos animales. Berlín: Proveg. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Pulliam, Juliet R. et al. 2012. Agricultural intensification, priming for persistence and the emergence of Nipah virus: a lethal bat-borne zoonosis. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9(66): 89-101. (NIPAH VIRUS; FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Reaser, Jamie K., Clark Jr, Edward E., and Meyers, N. Marshall 2008. All creatures great and minute: a public policy primer for companion animal zoonoses. Zoonoses and public health, 55(8‐10): 385-401. (COMPANION ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Reid, Ann H., Taubenberger, Jeffrey K., and Fanning, Thomas G. 2001. The 1918 Spanish influenza: integrating history and biology. Microbes and infection, 3(1), 81-87. (INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS)
Reperant, Leslie A., Moesker, Fleur M., and Osterhaus, Albert D. 2016. Influenza: from zoonosis to pandemic. ERJ Open Res 2: 00013‐2016 (INFLUENZA VIRUSES)
Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J. D.et al. 2020. History is repeating itself: Probable zoonotic spillover as the cause of the 2019 novel Coronavirus Epidemic. Infez Med, 28(1): 3-5. (COVID19; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Saunders-Hastings, Patrick R., and Krewski, Daniel. 2016. Reviewing the history of pandemic influenza: understanding patterns of emergence and transmission. Pathogens, 5(4): 66. (INFLUENZA)
Sehgal, Ravinder N. M. 2010. Deforestation and avian infectious diseases. Journal of experimental biology, 213(6): 955-960. (ONE HEALTH; AVIAN FLU; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Singh, B. B., Sharma, R., Gill, J. P. S., Aulakh, R. S., and Banga, H. S. 2011. Climate change, zoonoses and India. Revue Scientifique et Technique-OIE, 30(3), 779. (FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE; ONE HEALTH)
Slingenbergh, J., Gilbert, M., Balogh, K. D., and Wint, W. 2004. Ecological sources of zoonotic diseases. Revue scientifique et technique-Office international des épizooties, 23(2): 467-484. (FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Smith, Kristine M., Anthony, Simon J., Switzer, William M., Epstein, Jonathan H., Seimon, Tracie, Jia, H., ... andSleeman, J. M. 2012. Zoonotic viruses associated with illegally imported wildlife products. PloS one, 7(1), e29505. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Sun, Honglei, et al. 2020. Prevalent Eurasian avian-like H1N1 swine influenza virus with 2009 pandemic viral genes facilitating human infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences117.29: 17204-17210. (SWINE INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS)
Taubenberger, Jeffrey K., andMorens, David M. 2006. 1918 Influenza: the mother of all pandemics. Revista Biomedica, 17(1): 69-79. (SPANISH INFLUENZA)
Tomley, Fiona M., and Martin W. Shirley. 2009. Livestock infectious diseases and zoonoses. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B3642637–264 (FARMED ANIMALS; INFLUENZA)
Trovão, Nídia S., and Martha I. Nelson. 2020. When Pigs Fly: Pandemic influenza enters the 21st century.PLoS Pathogens, 16(3), e1008259. (INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS; COMPANION ANIMALS)
Tweneboah Lawson, Elaine, Ohemeng, Fidelia, Ayivor, Jesse, Leach, Melissa, Waldman, Linda, andNtiamoa-Baidu, Yaa. 2017. Understanding Framings and Perceptions of Spillover: Preventing Future Outbreaks of Bat-Borne Zoonoses?. Disaster Prevention and Management, 26(4): 396–411. (ANIMALS IN NATURE)
United Nations Environment Programme and International Livestock Research Institute. 2020. Preventing the Next Pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission. UN Environment Programme, 6 July. (COVID-19; ONE HEALTH; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Volpato, Gabriele et al. 2020. Baby pangolins on my plate: possible lessons to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic. J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine 16, 19 (ANIMALS IN NATURE; COVID19)
Vorou, Rengina M., Papavassiliou, Vassilios G., and Tsiodras, Sotiris. 2007. Emerging zoonoses and vector-borne infections affecting humans in Europe. Epidemiology & infection, 135(8): 1231-1247. (FARMED ANIMALS; ANIMALS IN NATURE)
Wallace, Robert G. 2009. Breeding influenza: the political virology of offshore FARMEDing. Antipode, 41(5): 916-951. (INFLUENZA; FARMED ANIMALS)
Weiss, Robin A., and Anthony J. McMichael. 2004. Social and environmental risk factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Nature Medicine, 10(12): S70-S76. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS; ONE HEALTH)
Wolfe, Nathan D., Daszak, Peter, Kilpatrick, A. Marm, andBurke, Donald S. 2005. Bushmeat hunting, deforestation, and prediction of zoonotic disease. Emerging infectious diseases, 11(12), 1822. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
Wolfe, Nathan D., Dunavan, Claire Panoisian, andDiamond, Jared 2007. Origins of major human infectious diseases. Nature, 447(7142): 279-283. (ANIMALS IN NATURE; FARMED ANIMALS)
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