Recent and pre-prints

  1. E. Fraxanet, M. Pellert, S. Schweighofer, V. Gómez, D. Garcia (2023)
    Unpacking polarization: Antagonism and Alignment in Signed Networks of Online Interaction
    PNAS Nexus
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [arxiv]
  2. N. Alvarez-Gonzalez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez (2024)
    Improving Subgraph-GNNs via Edge-Level Ego-Network Encodings
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex[arxiv] [code] [video]
  3. F. Germano, V. Gómez, F. Sobbrio (2022)
    Crowding out the truth? A simple model of misinformation, polarization and meaningful social interactions
    [pdf] [www] [arxiv]


  1. M. Dalmau-Moreno, N. García, V. Gómez, H. Geffner (2024)
    Combined Task and Motion Planning Via Sketch Decompositions
    34th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex[arxiv]
  2. D. Kuric, G. Infante, V. Gómez, A.Jonsson, H. van Hoof (2024)
    Planning with a Learned Policy Basis to Optimally Solve Complex Tasks
    34th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex[arxiv]
  3. G. Infante, A. Jonsson, V. Gómez (2022)
    Globally Optimal Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Linearly-Solvable Markov Decision Processes
    Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022 (AAAI)
    [pdf] [www] [arxiv
  4. N. Alvarez-Gonzalez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez (2022)
    Beyond 1-WL with Local Ego-Network Encodings
    Learning on Graphs Conference 2022 (LoG)
    [pdf] [www] [code]
  5. N. Alvarez-Gonzalez, A. Kaltenbrunner, Vicenç Gómez (2021)
    Uncovering the Limits of Text-based Emotion Detection
    Findings of EMNLP (International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing) (EMNLP)
    [pdf] [www[bibtex] [arxiv]
  6. M. Junyent, V. Gómez, A. Jonsson (2021)
    Hierarchical Width-Based Planning and Learning
    31th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex[arxiv] [code] [slides]
    The camera ready version of this paper contains some errors in Algorithm 3 and Figures 2 and 3. Please check the arxiv version for the corrected version.
  7. B. Tabibian, V. Gómez, A. De, B. Schölkopf, M. Gomez Rodriguez (2020)
    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
    On the design of consequential ranking algorithms
    [pdf] [supp] [www] [bibtex[arxiv]
  8. J. Serrà, D. Álvarez, V. Gómez, O. Slizovskaia, J. F. Núñez, J. Luque (2020)
    Input complexity and out-of-distribution detection with likelihood-based generative models
    International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex[arxiv] [openreview
  9. M. Junyent, A. Jonsson, V. Gómez (2019)
    Deep Policies for Width-Based Planning in Pixel Domains
    29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [arxiv] [code] [slides]
    The camera ready version of this paper contains an error in Table 2. Please check the arxiv version for the corrected version.
  10. F. Germano, V. Gómez, G. Le Mens (2019)
    The few-get-richer: a surprising consequence of popularity-based rankings
    The Web Conference (WWW)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex[arxiv] [dataset] [slides]
  11. N. Lykousas, V. Gómez, C. Patsakis (2019)
    Sharing Emotions at Scale: the Vent Dataset
    International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [dataset]
  12. N. Lykousas, V. Gómez, C. Patsakis (2018)
    Adult content in Social Live Streaming Services: Characterizing deviant users and relationships
    International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  13. P. Aragón, D. Sáez-Trumper, M. Redi, S. A. Hale, V. Gómez, A. Kaltenbrunner (2018)
    Online Petitioning Through Data Exploration and What We Found There: A Dataset of Petitions from
    International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  14. G. Neu, V. Gómez (2017)
    Fast rates for online learning in Linearly Solvable Markov Decision Processes
    International Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  15. H. Gallego, D. Laniado, A. Kaltenbrunner, V Gómez, P. Aragón (2017)
    Lost in Re-Election: A Tale of Two Spanish Online Campaigns
    International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  16. P. Aragón, A. Kaltenbrunner, A. Calleja-López, A. Pereira, A. Monterde, X.-E. Barandiaran, V Gómez (2017)
    Deliberative Platform Design: The Case Study of the Online Discussions in Decidim Barcelona
    International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  17. P. Aragón, V. Gómez, A. Kaltenbrunner (2017)
    To Thread or Not to Thread: The Impact of Conversation Threading on Online Discussion
    International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  18. A. Jonsson, V. Gómez (2016)
    Hierarchical Linearly-Solvable Markov Decision Problems
    26th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  19. V. Gómez, S. Thijssen, A. C. Symington, S. Hailes, H. J. Kappen (2016)
    Real-Time Stochastic Optimal Control for Multi-agent Quadrotor Systems
    26th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  20. P. Aragón, V. Gómez, A. Kaltenbrunner (2016)
    Visualization Tool for Collective Awareness in a Platform of Citizen Proposals
    International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  21. V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen, J. Peters, G. Neumann (2014)
    Policy Search for Path Integral Control
    European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  22. T. Matsubara, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen (2014)
    Latent Kullback Leibler Control for Continuous-State Systems Using Probabilistic Graphical Models
    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Quebec, Canada
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  23. V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen, A. Kaltenbrunner (2011)
    Modeling the structure and evolution of discussion cascades
    ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT) Eindhoven, Netherlands
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  24. M. Gheshlaghi Azar, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen (2011)
    Dynamic Policy Programming with Function Approximation
    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Fort Lauderdale, USA
    [pdf] [sup] [www] [bibtex]
  25. V. Gómez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. López, H. J. Kappen (2008)
    Self-organization using synaptic plasticity
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  26. V. Gómez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. López (2008)
    Statistical analysis of the social network and discussion threads in Slashdot
    International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Beijing, China
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  27. A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez, V. López (2007)
    Description and Prediction of Slashdot Activity
    Latin American Web Congress (LA-WEB 2007), Santiago de Chile. IEEE Computer Society
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  28. V. Gómez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. López (2006)
    Event Modeling of Message Interchange in Stochastic Neural Ensembles
    International Joint Conference Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE World Congress of Computational Intelligence
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]



  1. R. Garriga, V. Gómez, G. Lugosi
    Individualized post-crisis monitoring of psychiatric patients via Hidden Markov models
    Frontiers in Digital Health 6, 1322555 (2024)
    [pdf] [bibtex[www]
  2. S. Calo, F. Bistaffa, A. Jonsson, V. Gómez, M. Viana 
    Spatial air quality prediction in urban areas via message passing
    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 133, Part B, July 2024, 108191 (2024)
    [pdf] [bibtex[www]
  3. E. Theophilou, D. Hernández‐Leo, V. Gómez
    Gender‐based learning and behavioural differences in an educational social media platform
    Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2023)
    [pdf] [bibtex[www]
  4. N. Alvarez-Gonzalez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez
    Beyond Weisfeiler–Lehman with Local Ego-Network Encodings
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 5 (4), 1234-1265 (2023)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [code]
  5. D. Thalmeier, H. J. Kappen, S. Totaro, V. Gómez
    Adaptive Smoothing Path Integral Control
    Journal of Machine Learning Research 21(191):1−37 (2020)
    [pdf] [poster] [JMLR] [bibtex]
  6. B. Samanta, A. De, G. Jana, V. Gómez, P. Chattaraj, N. Ganguly, M. Gomez-Rodriguez
    NEVAE: A Deep Generative Model for Molecular Graphs
    Journal of Machine Learning Research 21(114): 1−3364 (2020)
    [pdf] [arxiv] [bibtex] [JMLR] [github]
  7. M. Molkaraie, V. Gómez (2018)
    Monte Carlo Methods for the Ferromagnetic Potts Model Using Factor Graph Duality
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64(12):7449−7464 (2018)
    [pdf] [arxiv] [bibtex] [TIT]
  8. P. Aragón, V. Gómez, D. García, A. Kaltenbrunner
    Generative models of online discussion threads: state of the art and research challenges
    Journal of Internet Services and Applications 8(1):15 (2017)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [JISA]
  9. P. Aragón, V. Gómez, A. Kaltenbrunner
    Detecting Platform Effects in Online Discussions
    Policy & Internet doi:10.1002/poi3.158 (2017)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [P&I]
  10. D. Thalmeier, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen
    Action selection in growing state spaces: Control of Network Structure Growth
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50(3) 034006 (2017)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [cs.SI:1606.07777] [JPhysA]
  11. A. Llera, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen
    Quantitative analysis of task selection for Brain-Computer Interfaces
    Journal of Neural Engineering 11(5):056002 (2014)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [JNE]
  12. A. Llera, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen
    Adaptive Multiclass Classification for Brain Computer Interfaces
    Neural Computation 26(6):1108-27 (2014)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [NECO]
  13. H. J. Kappen, V. Gómez
    The Variational Garrote
    Machine Learning Journal 96(3):269-294 (2014)
    [pdf] [www] [poster] [bibtex] [MLJ] [code]
  14. V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen, N. Litvak, A. Kaltenbrunner
    A likelihood-based framework for the analysis of discussion threads
    World Wide Web 16(5-6):645-675 (2013)
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [WWW] [datasets]
  15. M. Gheshlaghi Azar, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen
    Dynamic Policy Programming
    Journal of Machine Learning Research 13(Nov):3207-3245 (2012)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [JMLR] [cs:1004.2027] [code]
  16. A. Llera, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen
    Adaptive classification on Brain Computer Interfaces using reinforcement signals
    Neural Computation 24(11):2900-2923 (2012)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [NECO]
  17. H. J. Kappen, V. Gómez, Opper M.
    Optimal control as a graphical model inference problem
    Machine Learning Journal 87(2):159-182 (2012)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [MLJ] [math.OC.0901.0633]
  18. A. Llera, M. van Gerven, V. Gómez, O. Jensen, H. J. Kappen
    On the use of Interaction Error Potentials for Adaptive Brain Computer Interfaces
    Neural Networks 24(10):120-1127 (2011)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [Neural Networks]
  19. V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen, M. Chertkov
    Approximate inference on planar graphs using Loop Calculus and Belief Propagation
    Journal of Machine Learning Research 11(Apr):1273-1296 (2010)
    Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2009), Montreal, Canada
    [pdf] [bibtex] [JMLR] [cs.AI:0901.0786 [pdf] [bibtex] [UAI'09] [poster] [code]
  20. V. Gómez, J. M. Mooij, H. J. Kappen
    Truncating the loop series expansion for Belief Propagation
    Journal of Machine Learning Research 8(Sep):1987-2016 (2007)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [JMLR] [cs.AI:0612109] [code]
  21. A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez, V. López
    Phase transition and hysteresis in an ensemble of stochastic spiking neurons
    Neural Computation 19(11):3011-3050 (2007)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [NECO]
  22. A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez, A. Moghnieh, R. Meza, J. Blat, V. López
    Homogeneous temporal activity patterns in a large online communication space
    International Journal on WWW/Internet 6(1):61-76 (2008)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [cs.NI:0708.1579]


Other refereed publications

  1. M. Gil Sorribes, G. Leoni, A. Puertas Gallardo, M. Petrillo, S. Consoli, V. Gómez, M. Ceresa (2024)
    ML-based predictive gut microbiome analysis for health assessment
    Procedia Computer Science, Volume 239, 2024, Pages 1452-1459
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  2. G. Infante, A. Jonsson, V. Gómez (2023)
    Optimal Hierarchical Average-Reward Linearly-solvable Markov Decision Processes
    Sixteenth European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex]
  3. N. Alvarez-Gonzalez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez (2021)
    Emotion-Core: An Open Source framework for emotion detection research
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex[code]
  4. A. Valenzuela, C. Segura, F. Diego, V. Gómez (2021)
    Expression Transfer Using Flow-Based Generative Models
    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    [pdf] [www] [bibtex] [Web]
  5. N. Alvarez-Gonzalez, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez (2021)
    Inductive Graph Embeddings through Locality Encodings
    The 5th International Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications (DLG-AAAI’21)
    [pdf] [arxiv] [bibtex] [Web]
  6. M. Junyent, A. Jonsson, V. Gómez (2018)
    Improving width-based planning with compact policies
    ICML / IJCAI / AAMAS 2018 Workshop on Planning and Learning
    [pdf] [cs.AI:1806.05898]
  7. G. Neu, V. Gómez, A. Jonsson (2017)
    A unified view of entropy-regularized Markov decision processes
    Deep Reinforcement Learning Symposium, NIPS 2017
    [pdf] [arxiv] [bibtex]
  8. D. Thalmeier, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen (2016)
    Optimal Control of Network Structure Growth
    NIPS 2016 Workshop: Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference
    [pdf] [bibtex] [Web]
  9. V. Gómez, M. Gheshlaghi Azar, H. J. Kappen (2016)
    Correcting Multivariate Auto-Regressive Models for the Influence of Unobserved Common Input
    19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA)
    [pdf] [bibtex] [web]
  10. G. Santatmaría, V. Gómez (2015)
    Convex inference for community discovery in signed networks
    NIPS 2015 Workshop: Networks in the Social and Information Sciences
    [pdf] [bibtex] [Web]
  11. A. Porco, A. Kaltenbrunner, V. Gómez (2015)
    Low-rank approximations for predicting voting behaviour
    NIPS 2015 Workshop: Networks in the Social and Information Sciences
    [pdf] [bibtex] [Web]
  12. A. Llera, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen (2013)
    Clustered Common Spatial Patterns
    Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction (TOBI) Workshop
    [pdf] [bibtex]
  13. V. Gómez, M. Chertkov, S. Backhaus, H. J. Kappen (2012)
    Learning Price-Elasticity of Smart Consumers in Power Distribution Systems
    2012 IEEE Third International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
    Workshop on Architectures and Models for the Smart Grid (AMSG)

    [pdf] [bibtex] [cs.IT:1209.5656] [SmartGridComm] [IEEE]
  14. A. Llera, V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen (2009)
    Sparse matrix factorization for Brain Computer Interfaces
    International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction, IEEE Computer Society
    Workshop on Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces (ABCI 2009)

    [pdf] [bibtex] [IEEE]


PhD Thesis

  1. V. Gómez (2008)
    Algorithms and complex phenomena in networks: neural ensembles, statistical inference and online communities
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    [pdf] [bibtex] [www]