The technopolitics of nuclear megaproject pathologies, economic controversies and varieties of socioeconomic appraisal

Large nuclear-sector projects can be considered as a specific example of megaprojects, i.e. “large-scale, complex infrastructure projects usually commissioned by governments and delivered through partnerships between public and private organisations, with multiple partners, high uncertainties, and considerable political stakes.


How can public controversies surrounding major nuclear projects improve their appraisal?

How can public controversies surrounding major nuclear projects improve their appraisal?

This is the central question of the research project that Markku Lehtonen recently started at UPF, supervised by professor Albert Presas i Puig and funded by a Marie Curie grant.


Marie Curie Actions
Individual Fellowships (IF)
Grant Number 794697

Dr Markku Lehtonen

+34 698 08 85 48

Department of Humanities

Jaume I Building (Ciutadella Campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona

[email protected]

Research GateResearch ID - ORCIDLinkedInTwitter