Atrás NUEVO ARTÍCULO: Factors in Assessing Recidivism Risk in Young Offenders

NUEVO ARTÍCULO: Factors in Assessing Recidivism Risk in Young Offenders

José Javier Navarro, junto con otros investigadores, acaban de publicar un nuevo artículo


La prestigiosa revista de Open Acces "Sustainability" acaba de publicar el artículo Factors in Assessing Recidivism Risk in Youth Offenders. El artículo lo han realizado José Javier Navarro (miembro de la REJS 2.0), Marcelo Viera, Joana Calero y José M. Tomás, investigadores de la Universitat de València i de la Universitat Catòlica de València.

El abstract del artículo es el siguiente: 

The research aims to identify if the accumulation of protective and/or risk factors might predict the risk of recidivism in juvenile delinquents and determine the relative weight of both types of factors in the predictions themselves. The risk of criminal recidivism was assessed with the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth—SAVRY—instrument based on a sample of 192 Adolescents in Conflict with the Law—ACLs—held in juvenile detention centers in the Valencian Community (Spain). The results show that protective variables have greater relative consistency than risk variables when assessing recidivism risk in ACLs. The paper’s findings enable advances in the identification of antisocial behavior patterns using positive variables, and this in turn involves modifying any intervention proposals made by professionals of juvenile justice because psycho-socio-educational processes can now be dealt with on the basis of the ACLs’ potentialities (protective factors) rather than their deficiencies (risk factors) alone.

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