+RAIN 01 Research

Víctor Alonso

Alonso, Víctor

Jorge Caballero

Caballero, Jorge
Director session "Cinema & AI and Blockchain"

Claudio Celis Bueno

Celis Bueno, Claudio
Presenta Automating Cinema: A Materialist Approach to Creativity in the Age of AI

Pei-Sze Chow

Chow, Pei-Sze
Presents Automating Cinema: A Materialist Approach to Creativity in the Age of AI

Bill Cusick

Cusick, Bill
Participate in the debate “AI & film: challenges and opportunities for creators and producers“

Gianetti, Claudia

Andrea L. Guzman

Guzman, Andrea L.
Scholar specializing in AI and media and co-director of The Human-Machine Communication Lab at Northern Illinois University (USA). She participates in RESEARCH (Communication and Authorship in an Age of AI: Where does Metaphor End and Reality Begin?) and the Summit, in the debate “Expanded Media for our extended cognition”

Víctor Pérez

Pérez, Víctor

Albert Sabater

Sabater, Albert

Cristóbal Valenzuela

Valenzuela, Cristóbal
Participates in Research and the Summit: TALK session "Cinema & AI" + debate: “AI & film: challenges and opportunities for creators and producers“

Patrícia Ventura

Ventura, Patrícia

Joanna Zylinska

Zylinska, Joanna

Sara Suárez  Suarez

Sara Suárez

+RAIN 02 Fest: Cineastes

Bruno Carnide

Carnide, Bruno
Film: "January"

Adam Cole

Cole, Adam
Film: "Kiss/Crash"

Fran Gas

Gas, Fran
Film: "Of Youth"

Jeppe Lange

Lange, Jeppe
Film: "Abbys"

Carla Lombardo

Lombardo, Carla
Film: "Cosita del manglar"

Carme Puche Moré

Puche Moré, Carme
Film director and screenwriter

Eryk Salvaggio

Salvaggio, Eryk
Film: "Sarah Palin Forever"

Nye Thomson

Thomson, Nye
Film: "UNINVITED" - Pel·lícula de clausura

Miléna Trivier

Trivier, Miléna
FIlm: "Algorithms of Beauty"

Eddie Wong

Wong, Eddie
Film: "Portrait of the Jungle People"

Shaoul, Darius i McGee, Gabriel

Shaoul, Darius i McGee, Gabriel
Film: "Extreme Access" - Secció Competitiva

+RAIN 02 Fest: Jurat

Judith Colell

Colell, Judith

Bill Cusick

Cusick, Bill
Participate in the debate “AI & film: challenges and opportunities for creators and producers“

Lluís Nacenta

Nacenta, Lluís

Cristóbal Valenzuela

Valenzuela, Cristóbal
Participates in Research and the Summit: TALK session "Cinema & AI" + debate: “AI & film: challenges and opportunities for creators and producers“

Joanna Zylinska

Zylinska, Joanna

+RAIN 03 Live

Albert Barqué-Duran

Barqué-Duran, Albert
Presents the project "Slowly Fading into Data" + LIVE

Nao Tokui

Tokui, Nao
TALK sesion "Musica & AI" + participation in the debate “The sound of the uncertainty” + LIVE

Jennifer Walshe

Walshe, Jennifer

Anna Xambó

Xambó, Anna

Finding Light in the Distortion

Finding Light in the Distortion
Presents 'Finding Light in the Distortion featuring the GrooveTransformer module'

+RAIN 04 Team

Coloma Ballester

Ballester, Coloma
Codirector RESEARCH section +RAIN Film Festival

Jordi Balló

Balló, Jordi
Director +RAIN Film Festival

Vladimir Estivill

Estivill, Vladimir
Director of the Department of Technology at Pompeu Fabra University

Angel Faraldo

Faraldo, Angel
Composer and improviser working with non-standard electronics and digital media

Frederic Guerrero-Solé

Guerrero-Solé, Frederic
Codirector +RAIN Film Festival and RESEARCH section

Sergi Jordà

Jordà, Sergi
Codirector LIVE +RAIN Film Festival

Andrea Olmedo Río

Olmedo Río, Andrea
LIVE Codirection, coordination +RAIN & Summit

Teresa Roig

Roig, Teresa
Co-director "AI & Web3 Creatives Summit", UPF Ventures, i codirectora secció FAIR + coordinadora +RAIN Film Fest

Alan Salvadó

Salvadó, Alan
Codirector FEST section +RAIN Film Festival

Summit 01 Cinema & AI

Pol Baladas

Baladas, Pol
Present the start up "Fermat"

Jorge Caballero

Caballero, Jorge
Director session "Cinema & AI and Blockchain"

Roy Conan

Conan, Roy
Present the start up "Quantic Brains"

Julio Covacho

Covacho, Julio
Presents the start up "Quantic Brains"

Bill Cusick

Cusick, Bill
Participate in the debate “AI & film: challenges and opportunities for creators and producers“

Anna Giralt-Gris

Giralt-Gris, Anna
Codirector +RAIN Film Festival and FEST section

Mayte Hidalgo

Hidalgo, Mayte
Participate in the debate “AI & film: challenges and opportunities for creators and producers“

— 50 Items per page
Showing 1 - 50 of 82 results.