Vés enrere How to approach an internship: l'experiència de Clara Pérez

How to approach an internship: l'experiència de Clara Pérez



L'estudiant Clara Pérez ens dona alguns consells sobre com plantejar-nos unes pràctiques:

I did my internship in Werfen a multinational which has different divisions. In concrete, I was in Izasa Medical, which concentrates on the distribution of medical devices and products in hospitals. Today, I would not like to focus on my experience, but to clarify which is the best way, in my opinion, to take the most advantage of the internships in personal and professional level.

Firstly, I would highly recommend you to not choose any internship due to the reputation of the company, because it seems easy... you should take seriously the research time to find those internships that best fits you. How to find my ideal internship position? Personally, I was very confused about what could be my future, and I decided to delimit the areas that were more interesting for me during the degree. At the end, I limited my research to one area: marketing. Once I made this decision, I searched in Campus Treball all the offers that were attractive for me. Without any kind of doubt, the offer of Izasa Medical was the one that caught my attention the most. Summarizing, it was a position of Trainee Product Manager in which I would learn to analyze sales, launch new products, to manage different product lines inside the division...

To take advantage of the experience you need to respect the timings. Probably, at the beginning of your internships you will start having non or little responsibilities. Bit by bit your duties will increase parallels to your training level. I would highly recommend you to not be afraid to ask for more or less responsibilities depending on the timing of your period of adaptation and learning. Companies, normally, will tend to demand you to give them as much as you are able to and, during this process, it is enriching to try to be as much ambitious as you can. Do not hesitate to communicate your goals, ambitions, fears, and needs. Obviously, firms want you to be as much productive as you can, but they will for sure want you to be comfortable and, probably, to stay with them once your internship is finished. We can easily observe that during the months of the internship companies are investing a lot of time and resources to train us, usually, with the final objective to hire us once the internship is finished. It is truthy important to establish a good flow of communication to avoid future misunderstandings.

Finally, I would really recommend you put into practice all the knowledge that you have learned during the degree. It is very motivating to interrelate the theories and concepts known. Furthermore, try to be open-minded to new opportunities and do not be afraid of trying new experiences. Without any kind of doubt, you will learn a lot from those situations that you did not expect to face.

As an anecdote, this last September we went with all the salespersons to a convention to Cruces, Asturias. It was a three-day meeting, and we did not have time to visit the town, which is one of the most beautiful in the north. At the last moment, one teammate and me we decided that we could not leave without seeing the famous lighthouse we only had 30 minutes before we should leave to the airport, and we literally ran to see it. Finally, we arrived at this ideal landscape.

To find your ideal internship you should be determined to follow the light of the lighthouse and do not blind with another stimulus.

Hope you have the best possible experience as I did!



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