Academic Positions

Subdean at the Faculty of Communication Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (1993-1995)

Coordinator of Teaching and Learning at the Faculty of Communication Studies, UAB (1995-1997)

Coordinator Journalism at the Faculty of Communication Studies, UAB (1997-1999)

Coordinator Postgraduate Journalism & Communication Sciences, at the Journalism & Communication Sciences Department, UAB (2000-2001)

Deputy Director of Research of the Communication Department,  Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona (UPF) (2007-2008)

Director of the Communication Department UPF (2008-2014)

Coordinator of UNICA (Audiovisual Communication Research Unit) consolidated research group (2014 SGR 366) Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona).

Coordinator of the PhD Programme of the Department of Communication UPF (2016)


Honours and Scientific Awards

Founding partner of the Asociación Española de Investigadores de la Comunicación (AE-IC) (2007)

Award of the Social Council (UPF) to the Quality in Teaching (2009)

Quadros, C. & Teixeira, T. (2008) MAXWELL MCCOMBS AND MIQUEL RODRIGO ALSINA: The influence of theirs studies, in Brazil, BRAZILIAN JOURNALISM RESEARCH, 4 -1, p.3-5.

Santana, A. & Correia, J.C. (2008) Miquel Rodrigo Alsina: Theorist on journalism, intercultural communication and news construction process, in Brazil, BRAZILIAN JOURNALISM RESEARCH, 4 -1, p. 44-52.