Vés enrere 01.01.02 Types of research

01.01.02 Types of research

How to design a research project in communication > Introduction > Types of research


As for the type of research, it must be established according to the topic and the objectives set. The typology presented below is not exclusive:


1) Exploratory research corresponds to an unknown, little studied, or novel topic. It is the most widespread type of research.

2) Descriptive research is that whose purpose is to define or detail the topic in question (behavioral indices, states of the issue).

3) The explanatory research has as fundamental purpose to discover the causes that give rise to certain facts, circumstances, behaviors, etc...

4) Correlational research aims to establish relationships between different phenomena.

5) Projective: They are projected towards the future and aim to advance what will happen. For example, this type of research includes techniques that detect trends, such as the Delphi method.

6) Propositive: Proposes changes to the current state of affairs.



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