Example of legacy data: sites recorded by the Brazilian National Institute of Heritage (IPHAN) in the project's interest areas.

Legacy data and new data documented by MAPHSA will be integrated in an open access digital database following the FAIR data sharing philosophy, to provide for the research community, heritage agencies, and the interested public with the first ever mapping resource and data repository for Brazil and Colombia.

We will establish a new standardised protocol for documenting previously recorded and missing or unknown sites and integrate such databases to provide easy and direct access. For this reason, the new database - which will include both legacy and new data - will be integrated in Arches. We will work in collaboration with the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) of Brazil and the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia  (ICANH) of Colombia.

Our approach combining legacy data, archival work, remote sensing and automated detection will also be able to refine the geographic locations of known, discovered and/or potential sites, leading to a more efficient mapping and cultural resource management.