Dr Font–Segura has contributed in several research projects on signal processing, digital communications and information theory in the Electrical Engineering department at Columbia University, the Signal Theory and Communications department at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, such as

  • Generalized and refined asymptotics in finite-blocklength information theory: Laplace methods and probabilistic modulation shaping for communications (PID2020-116683GB-C22)
  • Information theory with uncertain laws (FP7-IDEAS-ERC-725411)
  • Finite-length iterative decoding: fundamental limits, practical constructions and inference (TEC2016-78434-C3-1-R)
  • Finite-length information theory (FP7-IDEAS-ERC-259663)
  • Advances in statistical learning, communication and information theory (TEC2012-38800-C03-03)
  • Communications and signal processing in adverse scenarios (TEC2013-47020-C2-2-R)
  • Dynamic access and cognitive communications (TEC2010-21245-C02-01)
  • Foundations and methodologies for future communications and sensor networks (CONSOLIDER INGENIO CSD2008-00010)
  • Advanced signal processing for high-speed optical fiber systems (NSF CCF-0726480)
  • Signal and information processing (ONR N00014-08-1-0318)
  • Signal processing advanced techniques for cognitive radio systems (TEC2007-68094-C02-2)

Details on the research projects are reported in the signal processing and communications group at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and in the infomation theory and coding group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra websites.