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Presentation accepted at Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium



"Orchestrating Collaborative Hybrid Learning with Engageli" presented at Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium, May 11th 2022

Authors: Alejandro Ortega-Arranz; Adrián Carruana Martín; Ishari Amarasinghe; Cristina Villa-Torrano; Carlos Alario-Hoyos.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has expedited the evolution of educational models that support the future classroom, one that should focus on effective and inclusive learning. New challenges have emerged such as solutions for large cohorts and class management in hybrid settings with both onsite (in the classroom) and offsite (in a mirror classroom, at home) learners simultaneously (Raes et al., 2020).


Given this context, existing videoconference tools used in educational settings (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams) have updated their features, thus adapting to these new circumstances. These features include, for example, break-out rooms that can be managed by instructors. Another approach is that of Engageli, a new learning platform specifically developed to support a flexible environment that is focused on learning outcomes, whether in person, online or hybrid. Engageli features focus on active and collaborative learning by enabling dynamic groups tables with integrated collaborative documents, resource sharing at class and group levels, and introducing frequent interactions such as notes and quizzes.


To this end, we implemented a challenging hybrid and collaborative learning situation using the Engageli platform. The results gathered in this study help us understand the extent to which Engageli provides support to instructors for the orchestration of non-trivial collaborative activities in hybrid environments. Additionally, teachers’ and students’ experiences can provide useful information for future implementations and research on hybrid learning.




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