Annual H2OLearn consortium meeting on 12th-13th July, 2023
The annual H2OLearn meeting hosted by Universidad de Valladolid took place from the 12th and 13th of July, 2023. All the consortium members, including the principal investigators (Carlos Delgado Kloos, Carlos Alario, Yannis Dimitriadis, Alejandra Martinez, Davinia Hernández-Leo and Patricia Santos) have discussed internal aspects of the project, joint publications and next steps. Researchers from the three partners have presented different aspects of the project and several contributions, including:
Pablo García Zarza, “Supporting teachers in the generation of ubiquitous learning situations across multiple domains and spaces based on Linked Open Data” (UVa)
Miguel Morales (U Galileo, online), “Generative AI: Empowering Academic Research”
Alberto Jimenez, “Exercise modeling using grade, time and the number of attempts” (UC3M)
Emily Theophilou & René Lobo, Courage: Narrative scripts (individual - collaborative dichotomy), role of data-driven adaptive and AI features, group awareness for *self-regulation, and motivational facets (UPF)
Cristina Villa Torrano, “Towards visible Socially-Shared Regulation of Learning: Exploring the role of theory, Learning Design and Learning Analytics” (UVA)
Khadija El Aadmi-Laamech, “Wellbeing & educational technologies” (UPF)
Víctor Alonso Prieto. Teachers agency in TEL: the case of intelligent technologies (UVA)
For this meeting, Dr. David Griffiths (UNIR) and Dr, Olga Viberg (KTC) have been invited to deliver keynote talks on:
- David Griffiths (UNIR): Some implications of Large Language Models for our understanding of human communication and educational processes
- Olga Viberg (KTC): Towards HCLA: The role of culture in learning analytics