Electronic Games
In this course you would learn the basics of how to design and create 2D and 3D videogames. In the process, you will have to code your own 3D game engine from scratch using C++.
- Coding in C++ (Object Oriented Programming)
- Knowledge of 3D geometry mathematics (vectors, matrices, projections)
- Knowledge of data containers (lists, hash tables, vectors, stacks, etc.)
- Basic knowledge of algorithms
- Knowledge of 3D basics (depth buffer, normal vectors, texture coordinates, clip-space, shaders, etc.)
It's recommended to have previously taken the subject Computer Graphics.
- Tiled (Tilemap editor)
- Rogued (Tilemap editor - tamats.com)
- Texture Tools (TGA converter)
- PropDesigner (tamats.com)
- Blender - Free and Open 3D Creation Software
- MagicaVoxel (Voxel Editor)
- Character Creator (Export animations - tamats.com)
- Panorama to Cubemap (jaxry.github.io)
- HDRI to CubeMap (matheowis.github.io)
- The Spriters Resource (spriters-resource.com)
- Sprite Database
- Every-Thing DB (tamats.com)
- Game Resources (tamats.com)
- Poly Haven (3D models, textures and panoramic environments)
- Poly Pizza: Free 3D models
- Sketchfab - 3D viewer
- Kenney Assets
- Mixamo (Animations)
Content (Slides):
- Introduction
- How to make a game
- Framework 2D
- Development Techniques
- Your first game (2D Assignment)
- Game and Level Design
- Writing a Game Design Document
- Basics of Computer Graphics
- Scene Representation
- Render Optimization
- World Rendering
- 3D Collisions
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Assets for Games
- Physics Simulation
- GUI and HUDs
- Audio
- 3D Animations
- Final Project: 3D Game
- Improving Graphics: Shaders and Aesthetics
- Particles System
- Course Ending: Beyond TJE
Last years games
- Astro Jump
- 60 EONS (itch.io)
- One Of Those Nights (https://ionn.itch.io/oftn)
- Afterlife
- Undercooked: Nightmare in the kitchen
- Nightmare Escape