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2023 (7)

Carro Martín S. Unrolling the Hajj: The Evolution of Pilgrimage Certificates. En: Qaisra M. Khan, Nahla Nassar. Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage. Ginko Library; 2023.

Ferrer M.; Lopez-Bertran M.. Creating Communities of Mourners through the Sense of Taste: The Consumption of Bread in Liminal Rites. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 2023; 11(2-3): 280-296.

Orsingher A. Human-shaped vessels and funerary practices: a jug from Ibiza. En: Graells Fabregat R, Bermejo Tirado J, Gomes FB (eds.). Thauma: Festschrift para Dirce Marzoli. Publicacions de la Universitat d'Alacant; 2023. p. 251-262.

Orsingher A.. Architecture and afterlife: Small portable shrines and ritual activities from tyre to ibiza. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 2023; 11(2-3): 256-279.

2022 (13)

Delgado A, Santos M, Ferrer M. Social identities and everyday material cultures in an Ionian contact zone: a comparative intra-site study of the Neapolis of Emporion (5th century BC). En: Tsetskhladze GR. Ionians in the West and East. Lovaina: Peeters; 2022.

Delgado Hervás, Ana. Género, objetos rituales y prácticas litúrgicas en los mundos tartésicos. En: Tsetskhladze GR. Ionians in the West and East. Lovaina: Peeters; 2022. p. 181-192.

Delgado Hervás, Ana; Ferrer, M.; Santos, Marta; García Alfonso, E.; Picazo, M.; Sardà, Samuel. Social identities and everyday material cultures in an Ionian contact zone: a comparative intrasite study of the Neapolis of Emporion (5th century BC). En: Tsetskhladze GR. Ionians in the West and East. Lovaina: Peeters; 2022. p. 627-654.

Dossoo K, Escolano-Poveda M, Faraone C, Johnson J, Love E, Nodar A, Singer A, Torallas Tovar S. GEMF 18/PDM LXI. En: C.A. Faraone; S. Torallas Tovar (eds.). Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies. California Classical Studies; 2022. p. 300-322.

Faraone C, Nodar A, Torallas Tovar S. GEMF 31/PGM I. En: C.A. Faraone; S. Torallas Tovar (eds.). Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies. California Classical Studies; 2022. p. 382-411.

K. Dosoo; A. Nodar; P. Sarischouli. GEMF 16/PGM XIV. En: C.A. Faraone; S. Torallas Tovar (eds.). Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies. California Classical Studies; 2022. p. 135-139.

López-Bertran M, Ferrer M. Performing beauty in Phoenician-Punic Cultures. En: De Graef K, Garcia-Ventura A, Goddeeris A, Nakhai BA. The Mummy Under the Bed. Zaphon; 2022. p. 233-252.

M. Blanco Cesteros; E. Chronopoulou; A. Nodar; E. Suárez de la Torre; M. Zellmann-Rohrer. GEMF 30/PGM VI + II. En: C.A. Faraone; S. Torallas Tovar (eds.). Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies. California Classical Studies; 2022. p. 361-381.

Nodar A. Monastic Letter about Garments. En: Anne Boud¿hors; Alain Delattre (eds.). Coptica Sorbonensia Textes de la 6e école d¿été de papyrologie copte, Paris, 2-11 juillet 2018 (P. Sorb. Copt.). Collège de France et de l¿IRIS Scripta-PSL; 2022. p. 163-168.

Nodar, Alberto; Pereira, Fernando José; Ferrer, Núria; López, Roberto. Ink and support characterization of typologically established papyrus groups from the Palau-Ribes collection. Heritage Science 2022; 10(107).

Orsingher A.. On Gods and Caves: Comparing Cave-Sanctuaries in the Ancient Western Mediterranean. En: -. Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean: Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries: Volume 1, 2 -; 2022. p. 535-560.

Orsingher, A.. Il volto sovrumano: le maschere fenicie e puniche tra demoni e antenati. En: AA. VV.. Sacra artificilia. Liturgia y objetos litúrgicos en las religiones antiguas. Sevilla: SPAL. Monografías XLII; 2022. p. 65-87.