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The Department of Political and Social Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University and the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick offer students the possibility to take a double degree programme, studying one year in each university.

  • In the year at UPF, students follow the programme of the Master of Research in Political Science.
  • In Warwick, students can choose from 9 specialisations by following any of the single-year MA programmes. Follow this link to the list of available MA programmes at the University of Warwick. Any of these can be chosen, except the MA in Research in Politics and International Studies.
  • Students can start the programme at either university.
  • They write a single final master thesis, under joint supervision from both institutions, of 15,000 words in total.
  • Participating students that comply with all obligations of this programme will be granted the UPF Master Degree of Research in Political Science (60 ECTS) and the University of Warwick Masters Degree that they have selected to study (180 CATS).

In the year spent at Pompeu Fabra University, students follow the normal programme of the Master of Research in Political Science. Most regulations and characteristics of that programme apply also to double degree students, with the following exceptions:


Admission criteria and fees

  • Applicants must have a Bachelor degree at 2:1 or higher from the UK, a pass of 7 or higher in Spain, or a recognised equivalent, in a subject relevant to the MA programme.
  • Non-native speakers of English must have an IELTS score of 7.0, with a minimum of 6.5 in up to two categories, or equivalent score on another acceptable test. A grade C1 must be achieved on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Participants in this programme pay the regular fees of the Master of Research in Political Science in the year in which they study in Barcelona, and the corresponding fees of the MA programme of the University of Warwick during the other year (Information on fees and funding at the University of Warwick).


Academic structure for students who start the double degree programme in Barcelona

In the first year:

  • Students complete the taught component of the Master of Research in Political Science at UPF (8 courses of 5 ECTS each).
  • Students begin preliminary work on their MA dissertation - identify their topic, identify a Pompeu Fabra adviser, etc.

In the second year:

  • From October to April, students will follow the MA programme of their choice (excluding the MA in Research in Politics and International Studies) at the University of Warwick, which includes a 40 CATS (credit) core module and 80 CATS of optional modules (120 CATS).
  • From May to September, students will complete the dissertation of 15,000 words at Warwick (60 CATS, 20 ECTS) which is supervised primarily at Warwick with further advice available from the Pompeu Fabra advisor.


Academic structure for students who start the double degree programme in Warwick

In the first year:

  • From October to April, students follow the MA programme of their choice (excluding the MA in Research in Politics and International Studies) at the University of Warwick, which includes a 40 CATS (credit) core module and 80 CATS of optional modules.
  • From May to June, students remain at Warwick and begin preliminary work on their MA dissertation - identify their topic, identify a Warwick adviser, take part in the PAIS MA dissertation conference.

In the second year:

  • From September to March, students complete the taught component of the UPF Master of Research in Political Science (8 courses of 5 credits each).
  • From April to September, students will complete the dissertation of 15,000 words at Pompeu Fabra (60 CATS, 20 ECTS) which is supervised primarily at Pompeu Fabra with further advice available from the Warwick advisor.


Further information and contact

You can contact us if you have any questions on this double degree programme.