Research Activities
Research Activities
Please check the News section for a list of seminars and events recommended by the faculty of the MA. For other announcements of lectures and seminars about Political Philosophy organised at UPF, please go to the following websites:
Research Forum of the Department of Political and Social Sciences
Website of the Department of Philosophy of Law
Centro de Estudios sobre Movimientos Sociales (CEMS)
UPF Center for Vattimo's Philosophy and Archives
Other recommended links
More about Philosophy and Political & Social Theory elsewhere in Barcelona:
- Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB).
- Those interested in receiving a list of some philosophy events at various universities in Barcelona can ask Carlos Muñoz-Suárez ([email protected]) to receive the "Carta Informativa de Filosofía".
Other Philosophy, Social and Political Theory websites:
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Public Reason - A Blog for Political Philosophers