Eulalia Nualart is Associate Professor at UPF and a Barcelona GSE Affiliated Professor. She is the Deputy Director of the Barcelona GSE Master Program in Economics.

Professor Nualart was previously Associate Professor of Mathematics at Université Paris 13 and invited professor at Universidad Pública de Navarra and University of Utah (USA).

Her research interests include: stochastic analysis, Malliavin calculus and applications to finance; SDEs and SPDEs; Fractional Brownian motion; Lévy processes; and statistical inference for parametic models driven by SDEs.

She has published in international journals as Stochastic Processes and their ApplicationsThe Annals of ProbabilitySPDEs: Analysis and Computations or Journal of Functional Analysis, among others.

She obtained a Marie Curie Career Integration grant in 2013.


Associate Professor in Mathematics

Department of Economics and Business
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

Jaume I Building (Ciutadella Campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona

 + 34 93 542 2638

[email protected]

Curriculum Vitae