Media News
Partners websites
- UPF https://www.upf.edu/enoticies-recerca/1415/0935.html
- AEGEAN http://www.egebirlik.org.tr/egitimler-projeler.asp
- AVIA-GiS http://avia-gis.com/services/ict
- INOLEO http://www.inoleo.es/index.php/en/projects/internationalization/187-entomatic.html?eprivacy=1
- CITOLIVA http://citoliva.es/index.php/proyectos/449-entomatic
- MTSYSTEM http://www.mtsystem.es/1/perfil_empresa_550751.html
- IMMS http://www.imms.de/wissenschaft/forschungsprojekte/entomatic-2101.html
- IMMS http://www.imms.de/wirtschaft/projekte/entomatic-2101.html
- AJAP http://www.ajap.pt/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=155:entomati
- Appearance on the magazine Farming farming_magazine_greece.pdf
- Appearance on the bulletin of the Hellenic Entomological Society http://www.entsoc.gr/site/phocadownload/Newsletter_Sept2016.pdf
- Appearance on different turkish newspapers turkish_press_release.pdf
- Presentation of Centro Operativo e Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional COTHN
- Appearance on the publication Jovens Agricultores
2016: Article_February Article_Mai Article_November
2017: Article_October Article_December
- Appearance on the portuguese publication Voz Do Campo ENTOMATIC.pdf
- Teatro Naturale http://www.teatronaturale.it/tracce/mondo/19979-meno-trattamenti-e-piu-tecnologia-per-il-controllo-della-mosca-delle-olive.htm
- RAC1 (Radio Station) "Noticies RAC1 - Environmental news of the day (1/10/2014)"
- La Vanguardia (newspaper) http://www.lavanguardia.com/natural/20141001/54415622420/red-de-sensores-y-trampas-ayudara-a-controlar-la-mosca-del-olivo.html
- Organization of Olive Oil Producers http://www.opoc.org/?p=211
- RuralCat (Catalan Government website) http://www.ruralcat.net/web/guest/noticia/-/journal_content/2002/10136/8096333/la-mosca-de-l-olivera-podra-ser-controlada-amb-sensors-sense-fils
- Agencia Sinc (news agency) http://m.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/La-plaga-de-la-mosca-del-olivo-podra-ser-controlada-con-redes-de-sensores-inalambricos
- Escuela Valenciana de Cata http://evcata.es/mosca-del-olivo-sensores/
- Infaoliva (Association of olive oil producers) http://www.infaoliva.com/documentos/boletines/RESUMEN%20DE%20PRENSA%20%20%201.10.2014.pdf
- Mercacei (Magazine of the olive sector) http://www.mercacei.com/noticia/44379/Actualidad/Citoliva-e-Inoleo-invitan-a-participar-en-una-encuesta-sobre-la-mosca-del-olivo.html
- Olimerca (Magazine of the olive sector) http://www.olimerca.com/noticiadet/nuevas-tecnologias-para-controlar-las-plagas-de-la-mosca-del-olivo-/6a991094610f079cca6192d7b43bb81c
- Olimerca (Magazine of the olive sector) http://www.olimerca.com/noticiadet/nuevo-sistema-de-control-remoto-bioacustico-para-combatir-la-mosca-del-olivo/1f88d23596b41e837d0c990b49c45057
- Casil (Sociedad Cooperativa San Isidro Labrador) http://www.casil.es/webcasil/nuevas-tecnologias-para-controlar-las-plagas-de-la-mosca-del-olivo/?lang=en
- Diari de Tarragona (newspaper) http://www.diaridetarragona.com/comarques/59520/proven-un-nou-sistema-per-controlar-la-mosca-de-lolivera-en-camps-del-priorat
- TV3 (National Television of Catalonia) http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/telenoticies-comarques/projecte-dinvestigacio-per-controlar-la-mosca-de-lolivera/video/5597111/
- 20 minutos (newspaper) http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/3020634/0/espaccioinnova-presentara-expoliva-ultimos-avances-innovacion-tecnologia-para-industria-oleicola/
- Fons Europeus de Catalunya (agency of the Catalan Government) http://exteriors.gencat.cat/ca/ambits-dactuacio/afers_exteriors/ue/fons_europeus/detalls/noticia/20170404_ENTOMATIC-mosca-olivera
- Universidad Agricola (Magazine of the agricultural sector) http://universidadagricola.com/la-plaga-de-la-mosca-del-olivo-se-podra-controlar-con-redes-de-sensores-sin-hilos/#more-63995
- Innovagri (Magazine of the agricultural sector) http://www.innovagri.es/actualidad/el-big-brother-de-la-mosca-del-olivo.html
- Agro Información (Magazine of the agricultural sector) http://www.agroinformacion.com/presentan-sistema-pionero-ara-recuento-e-identificacion-bioacustica-remota-la-mosca-del-olivo/
- OLEO (Magazine of the agricultural sector) http://www.oleorevista.com/?p=377913
- Info Agro (Magazine of the agricultural sector) http://www.infoagro.com/noticias/2017/citoliva_presenta_un_sistema_para_la_identificacion_bioacustica_remota.asp
- Interempresas (Magazine of the economical sector) https://www.interempresas.net/Produccion-Aceite/Articulos/205330-Presentan-Entomatic-metodo-autonomo-recuento-control-mosca-olivo-sistema-bioacustico.html
- Olive Oil Times (Magazine of the olive oil sector) https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/olive-oil-business/smart-system-identifies-olive-flys-flutter/60147
Dissemination material
Video presentations:
The new electronic McPhail trap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Distributed leaflets:
Leaflet of the bioacustic sensor
Leaflet of general information of the project
Leaflet of the installation procedure
Manual of the web-app for users
Manual of the stand-alone application
Slides presented:
- ENTOMATIC: IoT in a rural environment [slides here]
Scientific Publications
- T. Adame, S. Barrachina, B. Bellalta, A. Bel, HARE: Supporting Efficient Uplink Multi-Hop Communications in Self-Organizing LPWANs. Sensors, January 2018, 18(1), 115.
- I. Potamitis and I. Rigakis, Automated monitoring of Olive Orchards, 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food & Environment, September 2017.
- I. Potamitis, P. Eliopoulos, I. Rigakis, Automated remote insect surveillance at a global scale and the Internet of Things. Robotics 2017 6(3), 19.
- G.M. Dias, B. Bellalta, S. Oechsner, The impact of dual prediction schemes on the reduction of the number of transmissions in sensor networks. Computer Communications, Volume 112, 2017, Pages 58-72.
- S. Barrachina, B. Bellalta, T. Adame, A. Bel, Multi-hop Communication in the Uplink for LPWANs. Computer Networks, Volume 123, 2017, Pages 153-168.
- G.M. Dias, B. Bellalta, S. Oechsner, A Survey about Prediction-Based Data Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM Computing Surveys 49 (3)
- G.M. Dias, M. Nurchis, B. Bellalta, Adapting sampling interval of sensors using reinforcement learning IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things. December 2016
- G.M. Dias, T. Adame, B. Bellalta, S. Oechsner A Self-Managed Architecture for Sensor Networks Based on Real Time Data Analysis IEEE Future Technologies Conference December 2016
- I. Potamitis, Rigakis I, Fysarakis K Insect Biometrics: Optoacoustic Signal Processing and Its Applications to Remote Monitoring of McPhail Type Traps. PLoS ONE, November 2015.
- Sergio Barrachina, Toni Adame, Albert Bel, Boris Bellalta. GOAT: A Tool for Planning Wireless Sensor Networks. MACOM 2015.
- I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis. Novel Noise-Robust Optoacoustic Sensors to Identify Insects through Wingbeats, IEEE Sensors Journal, August 2015.
- I. Potamitis, K. Fysarakis, D. Longueville and S. Ntalampiras. Hardware implementation of a system classifying the optoacoustic signature of insect wing flap, the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Florence, Italy July 2015.
- I Potamitis, P. Eliopoulos, D. Kontodimas. The electronic McPhail Trap and a potential revision of the decision protocol. 7th meeting of the IOBC/wprs WG, Integrated Protection of Olive Crops, Kalamata, Greece, May 2015
- I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, K. Fysarakis. Remote monitoring of insects of economic importance based on the spectral analysis of their wing-flap, 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, April 2015.
- I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, K.Fysarakis. The Electronic McPhail Trap. Sensors, November 2014.
- I. Potamitis, P. Schäfer, On classifying insects from their wing-beat: New results, Ecology and acoustics: emergent properties from community to landscape, June 2014 Paris.
Technical Reports
- S. Barrachina Muñoz. GOAT: Development of a Wireless Sensor Network analysis tool. Technical report, 2015.
- J.A. Pérez Cano. Web-based Wireless Sensor Network Platform. Technical report, 2015.
PhD Thesis
- G. M. Dias. Prediction-based stretegies for reducing data transmissions in the IoT. PhD thesis, UPF 2016.