2024 (14)Ruiz-García A, Hernández-Leo D. Food for thought: an analogy for digital sovereignty in education. Crossref; 2024. |
Ruiz-García A, López Álvarez M, Hernández-Leo D. Engineering ethics mindset: fostering cognitive change in ICT studies. Crossref; 2024. |
Tassani S, Chaves P, Beardsley M, Vujovic M, Ramírez J, Mendoza J, Portero-Tresserra M, González-Ballester MA, Hernández-Leo D. Breathing, postural stability, and psychological health: a study to explore triangular links. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2024; 12. |
Ortega-Arranz A, Amarasinghe I, Martínez-Monés A, Asensio-Pérez JI, Dimitriadis Y, Corrales-Astorgano M, Hernández-Leo D. Collaborative Activities in Hybrid Learning Environments: Exploring Teacher Orchestration Load and Students' Perceptions. Computers and Education 2024; 219. |
Theophilou E, Lobo-Quintero R, Hernández-Leo D, Sánchez-Reina R, Ognibene D. Embedding Educational Narrative Scripts in a Social Media Environment. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 2024; 17(99): 1-14. |
Tabuenca B, Uche-Soria M, Greller W, Hernandez-Leo D, Balcells-Falgueras P, Gloor P, Garbajosa J. Greening smart learning environments with Artificial Intelligence of Things. Internet of Things (Netherlands) 2024; 25. |
Hernández-Leo D, Sánchez-Reina JR. Meta Research Conference, MERE 2023. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2024. |
Velamazán M, Santos P, Hernández Leo D. How to Design Features for Promoting Social and Emotional Interactions During Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. In: Kurosu M, Hashizume A. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer Cham; 2024. p. 124-144. |
Khadija El Aadmi-Laamech, Santos P, Hernández-Leo D. Well-being in CSCL environments: Investigating Gender Variations. In: Clarke-Midura J, Kollar I, Gu X, Angelo C. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2024. p. 357-358. |
Hakami L, Sayis B, Amarasinghe I, Hernandez-Leo D. Exploring Teacher Orchestration Load in Scripted CSCL: The Role of Heart Rate Variability. In: Clarke-Midura J, Kollar I, Gu X, Angelo C. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2024. p. 163-170. |
Beardsley M, Amarasinghe I, Hernández-Leo D. Toward a Learning Agreement for Generative AI Use: First-Year University Student Perspectives. In: Clarke-Midura J, Kollar I, Gu X, Angelo C. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2024. p. 401-402. |
Florido H, Hernández-Leo D. Reimagining The Lantern as a Web-Based Tool for Enhanced Supervised Collaborative Problem Solving. In: Clarke-Midura J, Kollar I, Gu X, Angelo C. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2024. p. 417-418. |
Lobo-Quintero R, Hernández-Leo D. Examining Intrinsic and Extrinsic Game Mechanics in Jigsaw CSCL Scripts. In: Clarke-Midura J, Kollar I, Gu X, Angelo C. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2024. p. 3733-374. |
Law N, Ko P, Charles SE, Choquette J, Jackson P, Zhang C, Hernández-Leo D, Kali Y, Sagy O, Apple T, Sarah Levy K, Papanikolaou K, Zalavra E, Sgouropoulou C, Lee Teo C, Yin Tan Y, Yuan G, Topali P, Ortega-Arranz A, Villagrá-Sobrino S, Asensio-Pérez IJ, Martínez-Monés A, Dimitriadis Y, Zhang J, Niu X, Huang Y, Yang Y. Roles of Learning Design Tools in Scaffolding Teacher Participation and Learning in Research Practice Partnerships. In: Clarke-Midura J, Kollar I, Gu X, Angelo C. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2024. p. 1902-1909. |
2023 (51)Hernández-Leo D, Ferrer J, Vujovic M, Tabuenca B, Ortiz A, Greller W, Carrió M, Moyano E. Activities using smart IoT planters in learning spaces: human-centred design of a dashboard, TEAPILS project report, available at Universitat Pompeu Fabra.Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions; 2023. |
Hernandez Leo D. Com ho avaluem? Repensem la universitat: impacte de la intel·ligència artificial (IA) en l¿aprenentatge. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació; 2023. |
Tabuenca B.; Moreno-Sancho J.L.; Arquero-Gallego J.; Greller W.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Generating an environmental awareness system for learning using IoT technology. Internet of Things (Netherlands) 2023; 22. |
Gutierrez-Paez NF, Santos P, Hernandez-Leo D, Carrio M. A study of motivations, behavior, and contributions quality in online communities of teachers: A data analytics approach. Computers and Education 2023; 201. |
Beardsley M.; Albo L.; Hernandez-Leo D.. A Teacher Professional Development Tool for Creating and Sharing Research Lessons on Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14200: 686-691. |
Theophilou E, Lomonaco F, Donabauer G, Ognibene D, Sánchez-Reina RJ, Hernàndez-Leo D. AI and Narrative Scripts to Educate Adolescents About Social Media Algorithms: Insights About AI Overdependence, Trust and Awareness. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14200: 415-429. |
Ognibene D, Wilkens R, Taibi D, Hernandez-Leo D, Kruschwitz U, Donabauer G, Theophilou E, Lomonaco F, Bursic S, Lobo RA, Sanchez-Reina JR, Scifo L, Schwarze V, Borsting J, Hoppe U, Aprin F, Malzahn N, Eimler S. Challenging social media threats using collective well-being-aware recommendation algorithms and an educational virtual companion. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 2023; 5(0). |
Hernández-Leo D. ChatGPT and Generative AI in Higher Education: User-Centered Perspectives and Implications for Learning Analytics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2023; 3542. |
Theophilou E.; Schwarze V.; Borsting J.; Sanchez-Reina R.; Scifo L.; Lomonaco F.; Aprin F.; Ognibene D.; Taibi D.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Eimler S.. Empirically investigating virtual learning companions to enhance social media literacy. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2023; 345-360. |
Lobo-Quintero R, Hernández-Leo D. Examining Game Mechanics and Extrinsic Motivation in a Group Awareness Tool for Collaborative Learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2023; 3542. |
Bordies O, Muñoz-Merino P, Martínez-Monés A, Dimitriadis-Damoulis Y, Hernández-Leo D, Álvarez A, Caerio-Rodríguez M, Cobos R, Ros S, Sancho-Vinuesa T. Expectations about Learning Analytics after the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of 7 Spanish Universities. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2023; 3542. |
Theophilou E, Hernández-Leo D, Gómez V. Gender-based learning and behavioural differences in an educational social media platform. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 2023; 1-14. |
Amarasinghe I.; Marques F.; Ortiz-Beltran A.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Generative Pre-trained Transformers for Coding Text Data? An Analysis with Classroom Orchestration Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14200: 32-43. |
Abascal M, Hernández-Leo D. How does the use of activities and resources in the Learning Management System of a higher education institution vary before, during and after Covid-19?. Revista del CIDUI 2023; 1-10. |
Theophilou E, Koyutürk C, Yavari M, Bursic S, Donabauer G, Telari A, Testa A, Boiano R, Hernandez-Leo D, Ruskov M, Taibi D, Gabbiadini A, Ognibene D. Learning to Prompt in the Classroom to Understand AI Limits: A Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 481-496. |
Ognibene D, Donabauer G, Theophilou E, Burši¿ S, Lomonaco F, Wilkens R, Hernández-Leo D, Kruschwitz U. Moving beyond benchmarks and competitions: towards addressing social media challenges in an educational context. Datenbank Spektrum 2023; 23(1): 27-39. |
Estivill-Castro V, Takada H, Marutschke DM, Alvarez C, Inoue T, Hayashi Y, Hernandez-Leo D. Preface. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14199. |
Sabaté I, Forestello A, Hernández-Leo D, Jiménez M. Programa formatiu docent per incorporar innovació a l¿assignatura. Disseny, implementació i resultats de l¿experiència desenvolupada amb professorat de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra dins el marc educatiu comú EDvolució. Revista del CIDUI 2023. |
Carrió M, Hernández-Leo D. Projecte ABPxODS: Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes i Projectes (ABP) per contribuir al desenvolupament dels Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS). Revista del CIDUI 2023. |
Theophilou E, Lobo-Quintero R, Sánchez-Reina R, Hernández-Leo D. Students' Generated Text Quality in a Narrative-Centered Learning Environment: Effects of Pre-Collaboration, Individual, and Chat-Interface Submissions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023; 14199: 101-114. |
Ortiz-Beltran A, Hernandez-Leo D, Amarasinghe I. Surviving and thriving: How changes in teaching modalities influenced student satisfaction before, during and after COVID-19. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 2023; 39(6): 72-88. |
Calvera-Isabal M, Santos P, Hernandez-Leo D. Towards Citizen Science-Inspired Learning Activities: The Co-design of an Exploration Tool for Teachers Following a Human-Centred Design Approach. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 2023; 1-22. |
Hakami E.; Hakami L.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Amarasinghe I.. Triggers of Teacher-Perceived Stressful Moments When Orchestrating Collaborative Learning with Technology. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2023; 3543. |
Velamazan M, Santos P, Hernandez-Leo D, Vicent L. User anonymity versus identification in computer-supported collaborative learning: Comparing learners' preferences and behaviors. Computers and Education 2023; 203(0). |
Hernández-Leo D, Sánchez-Reina JR (eds.). Meta Research Conference, MERE 2022. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2023. |
Hernández Leo D, Sánchez Reina JR. Proceedings MERE 2023 Conference. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2023. |
Koyuturk C, Yavari M, Theophilou E, Bursic S, Donabauer G, Telari A, Testa A, Boiano R, Gabbiadini A, Hernandez-Leo D, Ruskov M, Ognibene D. Developing Effective Educational Chatbots with ChatGPT prompts: Insights from Preliminary Tests in a Case Study on Social Media Literacy. In: -. 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings. 2023. p. 150-152. |
Beardsley M, Hernández-Leo D, Sánchez-Reina R. Using Learning Design Technologies for Teachers¿ Practice-Driven Research. In: -. 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings. 2023. |
Koyuturk C, Yavari M, Theophilou E, Bursic S, Donabauer G, Telari A, Testa A, Gabbiadini A, Hernandez-Leo D, Ruskov M, Ognibene D. Developing Effective Educational Chatbots with ChatGPT: Insights from Preliminary Tests in a Case Study on Social Media Literacy. In: -. 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings. 2023. |
Hernández-Leo D, Amarasinghe I, Beardsley M, Hakami E, Ruiz García A, Santos P. Responsible educational technology research: from open science and open data to ethics and trustworthy learning analytics. In: Raffaghelli JE, Sangrà A. Data cultures in higher education. Cham: Springer; 2023. p. 179-200. |
Beardsley M, Hernandez-Leo D, Sánchez-Reina R. Using learning design technologies for teachers' practice-driven research. In: Shih JL, Kashihara A, Chen W, Ogata H (eds.). Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2023). ICCE; 2023. p. 892-897. |
Amarasinghe I, Marques F, Ortiz-Beltran A, Hernández-Leo D. Generative pre-trained transformers for coding text data? An analysis with classroom orchestration data. In: AA. VV.. 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2023). Aveiro: IEEE; 2023. |
Hernández-Leo D. Computers in Education: How can we support the teachers?. In: AA. VV.. 1st International Conference on Computers on Education (ICCE 2023). Matsue: ICCE; 2023. |
Theophilou E, Koyuturk C, Yavari M, Bursic S, Donabauer G, Telari A, Testa A, Boiano R, Hernandez-Leo D, Ruskov M, Taibi D, Gabbiadini A, Ognibene D. Learning to Prompt in the Classroom to Understand AI Limits: A pilot study. In: Basili R, Lembo D, Limongelli C, Orlandini A. Advances in Artificial Intelligence XXI International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. Springer; 2023. |
Tassani S, Chaves P, Mendoza J, Ramirez J, Beardsley M, Hernandez-Leo D, Portero-Tresserra M, González Ballester M.A, Noailly J. Breathing as a mediator between postural stability and anxiety in students. In: AA. VV.. ESBiomech23: 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics. Maastricht: European Society of Biomechanics; 2023. |
Theophilou E, Lomonaco F, Donabauer G, Ognibene D, Sánchez-Reina RJ, Hernàndez-Leo D. AI and narrative scripts to educate adolescents about social media algorithms: insights about AI overdependence, trust and awareness. In: Viberg O, Jivet I, Muñoz-Merino PJ, Perifanou MA, Papathoma T. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. Springer; 2023. p. 415-429. |
Amarasinghe I, Marques F, Ortiz-Beltrán A, Hernández-Leo D. Generative pre-trained transformers for coding text data? An analysis with classroom orchestration data. In: Viberg O, Jivet I, Muñoz-Merino PJ, Perifanou MA, Papathoma T. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. Springer; 2023. p. 32-43. |
Beardsley M, Albó L, Hernández-Leo D. A teacher professional development tool for creating and sharing research lessons on evidence-based teaching strategies. In: Viberg O, Jivet I, Muñoz-Merino PJ, Perifanou MA, Papathoma T. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. Springer; 2023. p. 686-691. |
Sánchez Reina JR, Theophilou E, Hernandez-Leo D, Ognibene D. Shall we rely on bots? Students' adherence to the integration of ChatGPT in the classroom. In: Fulantelli G, Burgos D, Casalino G, Cimitile M, Lo Bosco G, Taibi D (eds.). Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online- 4th International Conference, HELMeTO 2022. Palermo: Springer; 2023. p. 128-130. |
Taibi D, Börsting J, Hoppe U, Ognibene D, Hernández-Leo D, Eimler SC, Kruschwitz U. The role of educational interventions in facing social media threats: overarching principles of the COURAGE project. In: Fulantelli G, Burgos D, Casalino G, Cimitile M, Lo Bosco G, Taibi D (eds.). Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online- 4th International Conference, HELMeTO 2022. Palermo: Springer; 2023. p. 315-329. |
Lobo-Quintero R, Sánchez-Reina R, Theophilou E, Hernández-Leo D. Intrinsic motivation for social media literacy, a look into the narrative scripts. In: Fulantelli G, Burgos D, Casalino G, Cimitile M, Lo Bosco G, Taibi D (eds.). Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online- 4th International Conference, HELMeTO 2022. Palermo: Springer; 2023. p. 419-432. |
Aprin F, Malzahn N, Lomonaco F, Donabauer G, Ognibene D, Kruschwitz U, Hernández-Leo D, Fulantelli G, Hoppe HU. The "Courage companion" - an AI-supported environment for training teenagers in handling social media critically and responsibly. In: Fulantelli G, Burgos D, Casalino G, Cimitile M, Lo Bosco G, Taibi D (eds.). Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online- 4th International Conference, HELMeTO 2022. Palermo: Springer; 2023. p. 395-406. |
Atabay M, Atwani Ochukut S, Hernández-Leo D, Albó L. Analysis of student interaction with learning design elements in the LMS: Comparing two iterations of teacher-student communication modes. In: VV.AA.. ICERI2023 Proceedings. 2023. p. 9669-9677. |
Theophilou E, Lobo-Quintero R, Sánchez-Reina R, Hernández-Leo D. Students' Generated Text Quality in a Narrative-Centered Learning Environment: Effects of Pre-Collaboration, Individual, and Chat-Interface Submissions. In: Takada H, Marutschke DM, Alvarez C, Inoue T, Hayashi Y, Hernandez-Leo D. International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing. Springer; 2023. p. 101-114. |
Hernández-Leo D. ChatGPT and Generative AI in Higher Education: user-centered perspectives and implications for learning analytics. In: Balderas A, Monés M, Dodero JM, Ros S. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain. -; 2023. |
Bordiés O, Martínez-Monés A, Muñoz P, Dimitriadis Y, Hernández-Leo D, Álvarez A, Caerio-Rodríguez M, Cobos R, Ros S, Sancho T. Teachers' Expectations about Learning Analytics: A Study of 7 Spanish Universities. In: Balderas A, Monés M, Dodero JM, Ros S. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain. -; 2023. |
Hakami E, Hakami L, Amarasignhe I, Hernández-Leo D. Triggers of teacher-perceived stressful moments using a LA dashboard for CSCL orchestration. In: Balderas A, Monés M, Dodero JM, Ros S. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain. -; 2023. |
Lobo R, Hernández-Leo D. Examining Game Mechanics and Extrinsic Motivation in a Group Awareness Tool for Collaborative Learning. In: Balderas A, Monés M, Dodero JM, Ros S. Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain. -; 2023. |
Theophilou E, Lobo-Quintero R, Sánchez-Reina R, Hernández-Leo D. Students' generated text quality in a narrative-centered learning environment: effects of pre-collaboration, individual, and chat-interface submissions. In: Takada H, Marutschke DM, Alvarez C, Inoue T, Hayashi Y, Hernandez-Leo D (eds.). Proceedings 29th international conference, CollabTech 2023. Osaka: Cham: Springer; 2023. p. 101-114. |
Theophilou E, Lomonaco F, Donabauer G, Ognibene D, Sánchez-Reina RJ, Hernàndez-Leo D. AI and narrative scripts to educate adolescents about social media algorithms: insights about AI overdependence, trust and awareness. In: Viberg O, Jivet I, Muñoz-Merino PJ, Perifanou M, Papathoma T (eds.). Proceedings Responsive and sustainable educational futures, 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2023. Aveiro: Cham: Springer; 2023. p. 415-429. |
Beardsley M, Albó L, Hernández-Leo D. A teacher professional development tool for creating and sharing research lessons on evidence-based teaching strategies. In: Viberg O, Jivet I, Muñoz-Merino PJ, Perifanou M, Papathoma T (eds.). Proceedings Responsive and sustainable educational futures, 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2023. Aveiro: Cham: Springer; 2023. p. 686-691. |
2022 (18)Ramirez-Melendez R.; Matamoros E.; Hernandez D.; Mirabel J.; Sanchez E.; Escude N.. Music-Enhanced Emotion Identification of Facial Emotions in Autistic Spectrum Disorder Children: A Pilot EEG Study. Brain Sciences 2022; 12(6): 1-11. |
Albo L.; Barria-Pineda J.; Brusilovsky P.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Knowledge-based Design Analytics for Authoring Courses with Smart Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 2022; 32(1): 4-27. |
Odakura V.; Amarasinghe I.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Sanchez-Reina R.; Theophilou E.; Lobo-Quintero R.. Effects of Debriefing in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Pyramid Scripts with Open-Ended Task. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022; 13632 LNCS(0): 23-37. |
Karimi-Haghighi M.; Castillo C.; Hernandez-Leo D.. A causal inference study on the effects of first year workload on the dropout rate of undergraduates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022; 15-27. |
Lobo-Quintero R.; Theophilou E.; Sanchez-Reina R.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Evaluating an Adaptive Intervention in Collaboration Scripts Deconstructing Body Image Narratives in a Social Media Educational Platform. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022; 13632 LNCS(0): 205-217. |
Hakami L.; Amarasinghe I.; Hakami E.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Exploring Teacher¿s Orchestration Actions in Online and In-Class Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022; 13450 LNCS(0): 521-527. |
Kloos C.D.; Dimitriadis Y.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Alario-Hoyos C.; Martinez-Mones A.; Santos P.; Munoz-Merino P.J.; Asensio-Perez J.I.; Safont L.V.. H2O Learn - Hybrid and Human-Oriented Learning: Trustworthy and Human-Centered Learning Analytics (TaHCLA) for Hybrid Education. International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED) 2022; 2022-March(0): 94-101. |
Amarasinghe I.; Michos K.; Crespi F.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Learning analytics support to teachers' design and orchestrating tasks.. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 2022; 1-16. |
Velamazan M.; Santos P.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Amarasinghe I.. Student preferences and behaviour in anonymous collaborative learning. ICLS: International Conference on Learning Sciences 2022; 0(0): 419-422. |
Esteban Bajo O.; Amarasinghe I.; Gutierrez-Paez N.F.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Using Process Mining Techniques to Discover the Collective Behaviour of Educators in a Learning Community Platform. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022; 13632(0): 175-189. |
Hernández-Leo D, Sánchez-Reina JR. Meta-Research Conference. MERE 2021. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2022. |
Dieckmann M.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Amarasinghe I.. Flagging in teacher-facing orchestration dashboards: factors affecting its use in Pyramid CSCL debriefing. In: -. -. -; 2022. p. 133-135. |
Hernández-Leo D. Directions for the responsible design and use of AI by children and their communities: examples in the field of Education. In: Charisi V, Chaudron S, Di Gioia R, Vuorikari R, Escobar Planas M, Sanchez Martin JI, Gomez Gutierrez E. Artificial intelligence and the rights of the child: towards an integrated agenda for research and policy. Sevilla: European Union; 2022. p. 73-74. |
Hakami E, El Aadmi-Laamech K, Hakami L, Santos P, Hernández-Leo D, Amarasinghe I. Students' basic psychological needs satisfaction at the interface level of a computer-supported collaborative learning tool. In: Wong LH, Hayashi Y, Collazos CA, Alvarez C, Zurita G, Baloian N (eds.). Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing. 28th International Conference, CollabTech 202. Santiago: Springer; 2022. p. 218-230. |
Odakura V, Amarasinghe I, Hernández-Leo D, Sánchez Reina JR, Theophilou E, Lobo Quintero RA. Effects of debriefing in computer-supported collaborative learning pyramid scripts with open-ended task. In: Wong LH, Hayashi Y, Collazos CA, Alvarez C, Zurita G, Baloian N (eds.). Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing. 28th International Conference, CollabTech 202. Santiago: Springer; 2022. p. 218-230. |
Delgado Kloos C, Dimitriadis Y, Hernandez-Leo D, Alario-Hoyos C, Martinez-Mones A, Santos P, Munoz-Merino PJ, Asensio-Perez JI, Safont LV. H2O Learn - Hybrid and Human-Oriented Learning: Trustworthy and Human-Centered Learning Analytics (TaHCLA) for Hybrid Education. In: Jemni M, Kallel I, Akkari A. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. IEEE Computer Society; 2022. p. 94-101. |
El Aadmi-Laamech K.; Hakami E.; Santos P.; Hernandez-Leo D.. The term well-being in technology-enhanced learning: a systematic literature review. In: Gomes A, Mendes AJ, Caeiro Rodriguez M, Nolan S (eds.). International Symposium on Computers in Education (XXIV SIIE). Coimbra: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2022. p. 1-6. |
Amarasinghe I, Hernández-Leo D, Manathunga K, Chacón Pérez J, Dimitriadis Y. Teacher-led debriefing in computer-supported collaborative learning pyramid scripts.. In: AA. VV.. Proceedings 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2022. Hiroshima: International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2022. p. 171-178. |
2021 (34)Amarasinghe I.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Ulrich Hoppe H.. Deconstructing orchestration load: comparing teacher support through mirroring and guiding. Computer-supported collaborative learning 2021; 307-338. |
Vujovic M.; Amarasinghe I.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Studying Collaboration Dynamics in Physical Learning Spaces: Considering the Temporal Perspective through Epistemic Network Analysis. Sensors 2021; 21(9): 1-19. |
Albo L.; Hernandez-Leo D.. EdCrumble, a data-enriched visual authoring design tool for blended learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 2021; 14(1): 55-68. |
Velamazan M.; Santos P.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Awareness tools for monitoring socio-emotional regulation during collaboration in settings outside school without teacher supervision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2021; 389-393. |
Calvera-Isabal M.; Santos P.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Citizen science, data science and education: how to support teacher's inspiration during the learning activities design with technology enhance learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2021; 3076(0): 15-21. |
Amarasinghe I, Hernández-Leo D, Manatunga K, Beardsley M, Bosch Garcia J, Carrió Llach M, Chacón-Pérez J, Jimenez-Morales M, Llanos Santos D, Lope Pastor S, Martinez Moreno J, Santos Rodriguez P, Vujovic M. Collaborative learning designs using PyramidApp: computer supported collaborative learning in classroom sessions. Revista del CIDUI 2021; (5): 1-10. |
Beardsley M, Martínez-Moreno J, Hernández-Leo D. Comparing pre-service and in-service teacher perceptions of the science of learning. Revista del CIDUI 2021; 1-13. |
Santos P, Moreno V, Hernández D. El papel de los espacios como facilitadores del aprendizaje colaborativo: Estudio cualitativo en Grados en Ingeniería y Másteres TIC de la UPF . Revista del CIDUI 2021; 1-9. |
Gutierrez Paez NF, Gomez-Cañon JS, Porcaro L, Santos P, Hernandez-Leo D, Gomez E. Emotion Annotation of Music: A Citizen Science Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2021; 12856 LNCS(0): 51-66. |
Albo L.; Stylianidou N.; Chalatsis X.; Dieckmann M.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Including students' voices in the design of blended learning lesson plans. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2021; 419-423. |
Hernandez-Leo D.; Lavoue E.; Bote-Lorenzo M.L.; Muñoz-Merino P.J.; Spikol D.. LA4SLE workshop: Learning analytics for smart learning environments. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2021; 3024: 31-37. |
Beardsley M, Martínez-Moreno J, Hernández-Leo D. Learning to learn: university student perceptions of a science of learning intervention. Revista del CIDUI 2021; (5): 1-9. |
Michos K, Hernández-Leo D. Meta-research conference: data-driven planning of a research methods situated-learning activity. Revista del CIDUI 2021; (5): 1-8. |
Tabuenca B.; Greller W.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Gilarranz-Casado C.; Garcia-Alcantara V.; Tovar E.. Talking to plants: An IoT system supporting human-plant interactions and learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2021; 3024: 1-7. |
Theophilou E.; Amarasinghe I.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Lobo R.; Crespi F.. Towards socially shared regulation within CSCL scripts: mirroring group participation in PyramidApp. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2021; 73-80. |
El Aadmi-Laamech K.; Dimitriadis Y.; Santos P.; Hernandez-Leo D.; Michos K.; Martinez-Mones A.. Workshop on human-centred learning analytics: A critical analysis based on the discussion of two case studies. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2021; 3029(0): 81-89. |
Hernández-Leo D, Hishiyama R, Zurita G, Weyers B, Nolte A, Ogata H. Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference, CollabTech 2021. Cham: Springer; 2021. |