Maria Josep Balsach is a professor of contemporary art history and director of the Chair of Contemporary Art and Culture at the University of Girona. Espais de Crítica d’Art international award for the article “L’art immaterial d’Arnold Schönberg” and Ciutat de Barcelona essay award for the book Joan Miró. Cosmogonies d’un món originari, 1918-1939 (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007).

She has written numerous publications on 19th and 20th century art from an interdisciplinary perspective and has curated exhibitions, most notably: “Picasso, Miró, Dalí i la pintura catalana de principis del segle XX” (Milano). She is the director of the project “ELAA-European Live Art Archive” together with the University of Oxford and the GlogauAir Art Residency in Berlin, and has been a part of the Joan Miró Chair (FJM-New York University). She was also the patron to George Steiner at the honorary doctorate award ceremony of the UdG (2012).