Journal articles:
Electrocardiographic Imaging: A Comparison of Iterative Solvers. M. Borràs, ;J. Chamorro. Frontiers in Physiology (2021).
Towards assisted electrocardiogram interpretation using AI-enabled augmented reality headset. P. Lampreave, G. Jiménez-Pérez, A. Gomez, O. Camara. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (2020).
In silico optimization of left atrial appendage occluder implantation using interactive and modeling Tools. A. M. Aguado, A.L. Olivares, C. Yagüe, E. Silva, M. Nuñez-Garcia, M., Á. Fernandez-Quilez, J. Mill, I. Genua, D. Arzamendi, T. De Potter, X. Freixa, O. Camara. Frontiers in Physiology 10, p.237 (2019).
Sensitivity analysis of geometrical parameters to study haemodynamics and thrombus formation in the left atrial appendage. G. García-Isla, A. L. Olivares, E. Silva, M. Nuñez-Garcia, C. Butakoff, D. Sanchez-Quintana, H.G. Morales, X. Freixa, J. Noailly, T. de Potter, O. Camara, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2018
Multifocal tDCS targeting the resting state motor network increases cortical excitability beyond traditional tDCS targeting unilateral motor cortex. D.B. Fischer, P.J. Fried, G. Ruffini, O. Ripolles, R. Salvador, J. Banus, W.T. Ketchabaw, E. Santarnecchi, A. Pascual-Leone, M.D. Fox. Neuroimage 2017, 157:34-44
Conference contributions or proceedings:
EACVI 2020. Reinforcement machine-learning based aortic anatomical landmarks detection from phase-contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography. M. Mejia, A. Guala, X. Morales, G. Jiménez-Pérez, L. Dux-Santoy, A. Ruiz Munoz, G. Teixido-Tura, I. Ferreira, A. Evangelista, J. Rodriguez- Palomares, O. Camara.
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2020. VRIDAA: virtual reality platform for training and planning implantations of occluder devices in left atrial appendages. E. Medina, A. M. Aguado, J. Mill, X. Freixa, D. Arzamendi, C. Yagüe, O. Camara.
AE-CAI Workshop, MICCAI, Lima 2020. Towards assisted electrocardiogram interpretation using AI-enabled augmented reality headset. P. Lampreave, G. Jiménez-Pérez, A. Gomez, O. Camara. Award to best presentation.
International Conference on Computed Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), Rennes 2019. Can One Predict Brain Disease Based on Cardiac Imaging Data? A Proof-of-Concept Study. M. Masías, I. Cetin, S.E. Petersen, M.A. Gonzalez Ballester, G. Piella, K. Lekadir.
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Atrial Segmentation and LV Quantification Challenges (STACOM) 2018: Joint Analysis of Personalized In-Silico Haemodynamics and Shape Descriptors of the Left Atrial Appendage. J. Mill, A.L. Olivares, E. Silva, I. Genua, Á. Fernandez-Quilez, A. M. Aguado, M. Nuñez-Garcia, M., T. De Potter, X. Freixa, O. Camara. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11395. Springer, Cham (2019).
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Atrial Segmentation and LV Quantification Challenges (STACOM) 2018: Centreline-Based Shape Descriptors of the Left Atrial Appendage in Relation with Thrombus Formation. I. Genua, A. L. Olivares, E. Silva, J. Mill, Á. Fernandez-Quilez, A.M. Aguado, A-M., M. Nuñez-Garcia, T. De Potter, X. Freixa, O. Camara. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11395. Springer, Cham (2019)
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress August 26-30, Barcelona, Spain 2017: Combined analysis of virtual haemodynamics patterns and LAA morphologies in relation with the risk of thrombus formation. A.L. Olivares, G. Garcia-Isla, E. Silva, M. Nunez-Garcia C. Butakoff D. Sanchez-Quintana X. Freixa J. Noailly, T. De Potter O. Camara
Atrial signals congress 2017, October 5-7, Valencia, Spain. Physicians meet Engineers: Relation between advanced in silico parameters of haemodynamics and left atrial appendage morphologies. A.L. Olivares, G. Garcia-Isla, E. Silva, M. Nuñez-Garcia, C. Butakoff, D. Sánchez-Quintana, X. Freixa, J. Noailly, T. de Potter, O. Camara
CSI Focus LAA 2017 congress - November 16-17, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany. Virtual haemodynamics study on different left atrial appendage morphologies. A.L. Olivares, G. García-Isla, E. Silva, M. Nuñez, J. Noailly, C. Butakoff, X. Freixa, D. Sanchez-Quintana, T. de Potter, O. Camara
2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference, Barcelona 2017. Proceedings in Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation journal, 2017, 10(4):e48-50. Intersubject variability effects on montages used to target the motor cortex in tDCS. R. Salvador, J. Banus, O. Ripolles, D.B. Fischer, M.D. Fox, G. Ruffini
2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference, Barcelona 2017. Proceedings in Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation journal, 2017, 10(2):436-7. Tetrahedral vs hexahedral meshes in tCS realistic head modeling. R. Salvador, J. Banus, O. Ripolles, P.C. Miranda, G. Ruffini
2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference, Barcelona 2017. Proceedings in Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation journal, 2017, 10(2):442-3. The effects of lesions in E-field distribution during frontoparietal tDCS. J. Banus, G. Martens, R. Salvador, A. Thibaut, O. Ripolles, G. Antonopoulos, C. Di Perri, O. Gosseries, S. Laureys, G. Ruffini
Congress of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology. ESMRMB 2017. Characterizing Hippocampal Morphology as a Function of ApoE4 Allele Load in Healthy Middle-Aged Individuals. A. Valero, C. Butakoff, O. Camara, M. Nuñez-García, S. Tassani, G. Piella, M.A. González Ballester, J.D. Gispert, C. Falcón, J. L. Molinuevo and G. Sanroma.
International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (pp. 471-480). Springer, Cham. Assessment of Haemodynamic Remodeling in Fetal Aortic Coarctation Using a Lumped Model of the Circulation. P. Giménez-Mínguez, B. Bijnens, G. Bernardino, È. Lluch, I. Soveral, O. Gómez, & P. Garcia-Canadilla. (2017, June).
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Barcelona, Spain. In-silico modeling and activation of the bilateral subthalamic nucleus for DBS surgery planning. A. Alises, M. Ceresa, M.A. González Ballester. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(1): 243-244.