2024 (2)Campolo, F, Blaga A, Rea M, Lozano A, Costa-Perez X. 5GNSS: Fusion of 5G-NR and GNSS Localization for Enhanced Positioning Accuracy and Reliability. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2024; 1-12. |
Do H, Lee N, Heath RW, Lozano A. Hybrid Arrays: How Many RF Chains Are Required to Prevent Beam Squint?. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2024; 1-1. |
2023 (10)Diaz-Vilor C, Lozano A, Jafarkhani H. Cell-free UAV networks: asymptotic analysis and deployment optimization. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2023; 22(5): 3055-3070. |
Wu Y, Larsson EG, Li J, Lozano A, Morin L, Xu M, Xiao C, Yang W. Guest Editorial Signal Processing for XR Communications and Systems. IEEE open journal of signal processing 2023; 17(5): 913-918. |
Do H, Lee N, Lozano A. Line-of-Sight MIMO via Intelligent Reflecting Surface. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2023; 22(6): 4215-4231. |
Do H, Lee N, Lozano A. Parabolic Wavefront Model for Line-of-Sight MIMO Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2023; 22(11): 7620-7634. |
Mojahedian MM, Lozano A. Precoding and Reception for ULA-Based Wide-Aperture MIMO. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2023; 12(4): 654-658. |
Sadeghian M, Pizzo A, Lozano A. RIS in Indoor Environments: Benchmarking Against Ambient Propagation. Dins: -. Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. IEEE Computer Society; 2023. p. 127-133. |
Bjornson E, Eldar YC, Larsson EG, Lozano A, Poor HV. Twenty-Five Years of Signal Processing Advances for Multiantenna Communications: From theory to mainstream technology. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 2023; 40(4): 107-117. |
Bjornson E, Eldar YC, Larsson EG, Lozano A, Poor HV. Twenty-Five Years of Signal Processing Advances for Multiantenna Communications: From theory to mainstream technology. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 2023; 40(4): 107-117. |
Do H, Lee N, Lozano A. Validity of the Parabolic Wavefront Model for Near-Field MIMO. Dins: -. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops: Sustainable Communications for Renaissance, ICC Workshops 2023. 2023. p. 1185-1190. |
Pizzo A, Lozano A, Rangan S, Marzetta TL. Wide-Aperture MIMO via Reflection off a Smooth Surface. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2023; 0(0). |
2022 (9)Kang S.; Mezzavilla M.; Lozano A.; Geraci G.; Rangan S.; Semkin V.; Xia W.; Loianno G.. Coexistence of UAVs and Terrestrial Users in Millimeter-Wave Urban Networks. Dins: -. 2022 IEEE GLOBECOM workshops (GC Wkshps) proceedings. Piscataway: IEEE; 2022. p. 1158-1163. |
Do H, Lee N, Lozano A. DOF Augmentation via IRS for Line-of-Sight Communication. Conference Record / Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2022; 2022-Octo(0): 397-402. |
Xia W.; Rangan S.; Mezzavilla M.; Lozano A.; Geraci G.; Semkin V.; Loianno G.. Generative Neural Network Channel Modeling for Millimeter-Wave UAV Communication. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2022; 21(11): 9417-9431. |
Alegria JV, Rusek F, Lozano A. Impact of Quantization in Decentralized Processing for Large Multi-Antenna Architectures. Conference Record / Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2022; 2022-Octo(0): 1351-1356. |
Pizzo A, Lozano A, Rangan S, Marzetta T. Line-of-sight MIMO via reflection from a smooth surface. IEEE VTS Vehicular Technology Conference VTC [proceedings] 2022; 1-5. |
Pizzo A, Lozano A. On Landau's eigenvalue theorem for line-of-sight MIMO channels. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2022; 11(12): 2565-2569. |
Attarifar M, Mojahedian MM, Lozano A. Reduced-Complexity Wideband Line-of-Sight MIMO Communication. Conference Record / Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2022; 2022-Octo(0): 650-657. |
Mojahedian MM, Attarifar M, Lozano A. Spatial-wideband effect in line-of-sight MIMO communication. IEEE International Conference on Communications: proceedings 2022; 3972-3977. |