Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials
Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials 2015
Aixalà, A. Un president per a Europa? Les eleccions de 2014 com a resposta a la crisi democràtica europea. 1 ed. Col∙lecció Bones Pràctiques no.8, Fundació Catalunya Europa; 2015.
Font. J.; García, P.; Alarcón, P..Las encuestas en las administraciones públicas españolas: evidencias preliminares de un escenario multinivel.Revista de estudios políticos2015;(170):p.155–185.
Font J, García Espín y Pau Alarcón P.Las encuestas en las administraciones públicas españolas: evidencias preliminares de un escenario multinivel.Revista de estudios políticos2015;170:p.0–0.
Vitali A., Arpino B.Living arrangements of second generation migrants in Spain: A cross-classified multilevel analysis.Regional Studies2015;49(2):p.189–203.
Arpino, B., Esping-Andersen, G.; Pessin, L..How Do Changes in Gender Role Attitudes Towards Female Employment Influence Fertility? A Macro-Level Analysis.European Sociological Review2015;31(3):p.0–0.
Bordone, V.; Arpino, B..Do Grandchildren Influence How Old You Feel?.Journal of Aging and Health2015;p.1–8.
Arpino B, Bordone V. Regular provision of grandchild care and participation in social activities. Review of Economics of the Household 2016; p. 0–0.
Astudillo, J..Losers' Second Chances and Control of the Party Machine: Aspirant Premiers in Regional Spain.South European Society & Politics2015;20(2):p.181–201.
Pallarés, F.; Astudillo, J.; Verge, T..Spain: Unresolved Integration Challenges in a Party Led Descentralization.Renzsch, W.; Detterbeck, K,; Kincaid, J. (eds.).Political Parties and Civil Society in Federal Countries.1ed.Oxford University Press, Ontario, Canadà;2015.p.227–253.
Beauchemin, C.; Nappa, J.; Schoumaker, B.; Baizan, P.; González-Ferrer, A.; Caarls, K; Mazzucato, V..Reunifying versus Living Apart Together Across Borders.International Migration Review2015;49(1):p.173–199.
Baizan P, Arpino B, Delclós CE. The Effect of Gender Policies on Fertility: The Moderating Role of Education and Normative Context. European Journal of Population = Revue Européenne de Démographie 2016; 32(1): p. 1–30.
Ollé-Espluga, L.; Vergara,M.; Belvis, F.; Menéndez-Fuster, M.; Jódar, P.; Benach, J..What is the impact on occupational health and safety when workers know they have safety representatives?.Safety Science2015;74:p.55–58.
Ollé-Espluga, L.; Vergara, M.; Benach, J..Protege y defiende tu salud también en el trabajo.Gaceta sanitaria2015;29(5):p.393–393.
Ruiz ME, Tarafa Orpinell G, Jódar Martínez P, Benach J.¿Es posible comparar el empleo informal en los países de América del Sur? Análisis de su definición, clasificación y medición.Gaceta sanitaria2015;29(1):p.65–71.
Benach J, Vives A, Tarafa G, Delclos C, Muntaner C. What should we know about precarious employment and health in 2025? framing the agenda for the next decade of research (in press). International Journal of Epidemiology 2016; p. 0–0.
Schwartz, S., Unger, J., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Benet-Martínez, V.Longitudinal trajectories of Bicultural Identity Integration in recently immigrated hispanic adolescents: Links with mental health and family functioning.International Journal of Psychology2015;50(6):p.440–450.
Ferrari L.; Rosnati R.; Manzi C.; Benet-Martinez, V..Ethnic identity, bicultural identity integration, and psychological well-being among transracial adoptees: A longitudinal study.New directions for child and adolescent development2015;2015(150):p.63–76.
Benet-Martínez, V..Cultural identity dynamics and intersubjective cultural representations: A Commentary on Wan.Journal of cross-cultural psychology2015;46:p.299–303.
van Oudenhoven, J.P.; Benet-Martinez, V..In search of a cultural home: From acculturation to frame-switching and intercultural competencies.International journal of intercultural relations2015;46:p.47–54.
Benet-Martínez, V.; Donnellan, M. B.; Fleeson, W.; Fraley, R. C; et al.Six visions for the future of personality psychology.Cooper, M. L.; Larsen, R. J. (Eds.).Handbook of personality processes and individual differences.1ed.Washington:American Psychological Association;2015.p.665–689.
Gallardo-Pujol, D.; Orekhova, L.; Benet-Martinez, V.; Slater, M..Taking evil into the lab: Exploring the frontiers of morality and individual differences.Miller, C.; Knobel, A.; Michael Furr, M.; Fleeson, W..Character: New directions from philosophy, psychology, and theology.1ed.Oxford University Press;2015.
Hong, Y.Y., Zhan, S., Morris, M., BenetMartínez, V.. Multicultural identity processes. Current Opinion in Psychology 2016; 8: p. 49–53.
Bosch Meda, J..La zonificación inclusiva en América Latina.Ciudad y territorio, Estudios territoriales2015;(183):p.89–106.
Bosch-Meda, J..La transición residencial de la juventud europea y el Estado de bienestar: un estudio comparado desde las políticas de vivienda y empleo.Revista de servicios sociales y política social2015;(59):p.107–125.
Novoa, A.M.; Ward, J.; Malmusi, D.; Díaz, F.; Darnell, M.; Trilla, C.; Bosch-Meda, J.; Borrell, C..How substandard dwellings and housing affordability problems are associated with poor health in a vulnerable population during the economic recession of the late 2000s.International Journal for Equity in Health2015;(14):p.120–0.
Bosch-Meda, J..Crisis y emancipación juvenil en Europa. Un análisis desde los modelos de Estado de Bienestar.1ed.Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco;2015.
Capsada-Munsech, Q.The role of social origin and field of study on graduates' overeducation: the case of Italy.Higher education2015;69(5):p.779–807.
Huke, Nikolai; Clua-Losada, Mònica; Bailey, David.Disrupting the European Crisis: A Critical Political Economy of Contestation, Subversion and Escape.New political economy2015;p.0–0.
Clua-Losada, Mònica.Tracing the competitiveness discourse in Spain: Social Dumping in Disguise.Bernaciak, Magdalena.Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe.1ed.Routledge;2015.
Clua-Losada, Mònica.Precariedad y clase social: releyendo a E. P. Thompson en un contexto de crisis.Arribas, S.; Gómez, A. (eds.).Vidas dañadas. Precariedad y vulnerabilidad en la era de la austeridad.1ed.Artefakte;2015.
Clua-Losada, Mònica; Horn, Laura.Labour and the crisis in Europe.Jager, Johannes Springler, Elisabeth.Asymmetric Crisis in Europe and Possible Futures: Critical Political Economy and Post-Keynesian Perspectives.1ed.Routledge;2015.
Castro-Martín, T.; Cortina, C..Demographic issues of Intra-European Migration: Destinations, Family and Settlement. Introduction to Special Issue.European Journal of Population = Revue Européenne de Démographie2015;31(2):p.109–125.
Laplante, B.; Castro-Martin, T.; Cortina, C.; Martin-Garcia.Childbearing Within Marriage and Consensual Union in Latin America 1980-2010.Population and development review2015;41(1):p.85–108.
Cortina, C.. Las parejas homosexuales en España: matrimonio y formación familiar. Revista española de
investigaciones sociológicas 2016; p. 0–0.
Escribà-Folch, Abel; Wright, Joseph.Human Rights Prosecutions and Autocratic Survival.International organization2015;69(2):p.343–373.
Escribà-Folch, Abel; Meseguer, Covadonga; Wright, Joseph.Remittances and Democratization.International studies quarterly2015;59(3):p.571–586.
Escribà-Folch A, Wright J.Foreign pressure and the politics of autocratic survival.1ed.Oxford:Oxford University Press;2015.
Laia B, Ann Daniels L, EscribàFolch A. The Determinants of LowIntensity Intergroup Violence: The Case of Northern Ireland. Journal of Peace Research 2016; 53(1): p. 33–48.
Esping-Andersen, G.; Gracia, P..Fathers' childcare and mothers' paid work: A cross-national study of Denmark, Spain and the United Kingdom.Family Science2015;1(12):p.270–281.
Esping-Andersen, G..Welfare regimes and stratification.Journal of European Social Policy2015;1(12):p.0–0.
Esping-Andersen, G.; Billari, F..Re-theorizing family demographic change.Population and development review2015;41(1):p.1–31.
Arpino, B.; Esping-Andersen, G.; Pessin, L.How do Changes in Gender Role Attitudes towards Female Employment influence Fertility? A Macro-Level Analysis.European Sociological Review2015;(31):p.1–13.
Esping-Andersen, G..Welfare state myths and measurement comments.Capitalism and Society2015;10(1):p.0–0.
Esping-Andersen, G..Positive-sum solutions in a world of trade-offs.McCann, L. (ed.).Capitalism and Business.1ed.Sage, London;2015.p.256–267.
EspingAndersen, G.. Quo Vadis Familia?. 1 ed. SNS, Stockholm; 2016.
Garcés-Mascareñas, B.; Sánchez-Montijano, E..El papel de la investigación en las políticas de inmigración e integración. Estudio exploratorio del policy-research nexus en España.Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas2015;p.0–0.
Garcés-Mascareñas, B..Revisiting bordering practices: borders, irregular migration and citizenship in Malaysia.International Political Sociology2015;p.0–0.
Garcés-Mascareñas, B..Revisiting the illusion of guestworker programmes. The case of Malaysia'.Acosta Arcarazo, D.; Wiesbrock, A..Global Migration Issues. Myths and Realities.1ed.ABC Clio;2015.
Abril, P., Amigot, P., Botía-Morillas, C., Domínguez-Falgueras, M., González, M. J., Jurado-Guerrero, T., Lapuerta, I., Martín-García, T., Monferrer, J., Seiz, M..Ideales igualitarios y planes tradicionales: análisis de parejas primerizas en España.Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas2015;150:p.39–58.
González MJ, Jurado Guerrero T (eds.).Padres y madres corresponsables. Una utopía real.1ed.Madrid:La Catarata;2015.
Gama-Norton L, Ferrando E, Ruiz-Herguido C, Liu Z, Guiu J, Islam AB, Lee SU, Yan M, Guidos CJ, Lopez-Bigas N, Maeda T, Espinosa L, Kopan R, Bigas A.Notch signal strength controls cell fate in the haemogenic endothelium.Nature Communications2015;6:p.8510–0.
Hellgren, Zenia.Markets, Regimes, and the Role of Stakeholders: Explaining Precariousness of Migrant Domestic/Care Workers in Different Institutional Frameworks.Social politics2015;22(2):p.220–241.
Hellgren, Zenia.Myten om det mångkulturella samhället. Teoretiska perspektiv på mångkulturalismen.Darvishpour M, Westin C.Migration och etnicitet : perspektiv på ett mångkulturellt Sverige.1ed.Lund:Studentlitteratur;2015.
Hellgren, Z.. Immigrant integration as a Twoway Process? Stakeholder Discourses and Practices in Stockholm and Barcelona. Psychosociological issues in human resource management 2016; 4(1): p. 143–167.
Holesch, Adam.Collective identity in the European Union.Tensoes Mundiais2015;9(19):p.65–83.
Ollé-Espluga, L.; Vergara,M.; Belvis, F.; Menéndez-Fuster, M.; Jódar, P.; Benach, J..What is the impact on occupational health and safety when workers know they have safety representatives?.Safety Science2015;74:p.55–58.
Alòs, Ramon; Esteban, Fernando; Jódar, Pere; Miguélez, Fausto.Effects of prison work programmes on the employability of ex-prisoners.European Journal of Criminology2015;12(1):p.35–50.
Fernández-Marin, X.; Jordana, J..The Emergence of Regulatory Regionalism: Transnational Networks and the Diffusion of Regulatory Agencies within Regions.Contemporary Politics2015;21(4):p.417–434.
Jordana J, Rosas G.When do autonomous banking regulators promote stability?.European Journal of Political Research2015;53(4):p.672–691.
Fernández-Marin, X.; Bianculli, A.; Jordana, J..Are Regulatory Agencies Independent in Practice? Evidence from Board Members in Spain.Regulation and Governance2015;p.0–0.
Bianculli, A.; Jordana, J.; Juaney, A. G..Intenational Networks as Drivers of Agency Independence: The Case of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council.Administration and society2015;p.0–0.
Bianculli, A.C.; Fernández-Marin, X.; Jordana, J. (eds.).Accountability and Regulatory Governance: Audiences, Controls and Responsibilities in the Politics of Regulation.1ed.Kensington:Palgrave;2015.
Jordana, J..When Accountability Meets Regulation.Bianculli, A.C.; Fernández-Marin, X.; Jordana, J. (eds.).Accountability and Regulatory Governance: Audiences, Controls and Responsibilities in the Politics of Regulation.1ed.Kensington:Palgrave;2015.
Fernández-Marin, X.; Jordana, J.; Bianculli, C..Varieties of Accountability Mechanisms in Regulatory Agencies.Bianculli, A.C.; Fernández-Marin, X.; Jordana, J. (eds.).Accountability and Regulatory Governance: Audiences, Controls and Responsibilities in the Politics of Regulation.1ed.Kensington:Palgrave;2015.
Benach, J.; Julià, M.; Tarafa, G.; Mir, J.; Molinero, E.; Vives, A..La precariedad laboral medida de forma multidimensional: distribución social y asociación con la salud en Cataluña.Gaceta sanitaria2015;p.0–0.
Julià M, CatalinaRomero C, CalvoBonacho E, Benavides FG. Exposure to psychosocial risk factors at work and the incidence of occupational injuries: a cohort study in Spain. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2016; 58(3): p. 282–286.
Lago, I.; Lachat, R.; Blais, A.Assessing the Mechanical and Psychological Effects of District Magnitude.Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties2015;25:p.284–299.
Lago, I.; Fernández Albertos, J..Gobiernos autonómicos e identidades regionales en España, 1980-2012.Política y gobierno2015;22(2):p.283–315.
Lago, I.; Lachat, R.; Blais, A.Assessing the Mechanical and Psychological Effects of District Magnitude.Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties2015;25:p.284–299.
Lago, I.; Guinjoan, M.; Bermudez, S.Regulation Disinformation. Poll Embargo and Electoral Coordination.Public opinion quarterly2015;79:p.932–951.
Lago, I.; Rowe, K.; Lago, S..The partisan consequences of turnout revisited.Comparative European politics2015;13:p.514–534.
Lago, I.; Torcal, M.Volatilidad endógena y exógena: una nueva medida de institucionalización.Torcal, M. (Coord.).Sistema de Partidos en América Latina. Causas y consecuencias de un equilibrio inestable.1ed.Santa Fé:Anthropos;2015.p.60–77.
Cordero, G.; Lago, I.. The Bright Side of the Economic Crisis: The Attribution of Political Responsabilities in Hard Times. Canadian journal of political science = Revue canadienne de science politique 2016; p. 0–0.
Levatino, A..Transnational Higher Education and Skilled Migration: Evidence from Australia.International Journal of Educational Development2015;(40):p.106–116.
Levatino, A..Mobilité qualifiée et étudiante au sud et au nord de la Méditerranée.Withol de Wenden, C.; Schmoll, C.; Thiollet, H. (eds.).Migrations en Méditerranée : permanences et mutations à l'heure des révolutions et des crises.1ed.CNRS Èditions;2015.p.323–342.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.Die katalanische Bewegung 2014-15: Ein Hindernislauf - zur Unabhängigkeit?.Europa Ethnica2015;72(special ed):p.31–35.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.Reprint: Katalonien-vom Autonomismus zum Separatismus?.Europa Ethnica2015;72(Special ed):p.17–30.
Marc Bosch; Klaus-Jürgen Nagel.Independencia de Cataluña: ¿sí, sí/no, o no? Sobre la campaña que no podía ser (pero ha sido).Iberoamericana : América Latina-España-Portugal2015;15(59):p.201–230.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.Flirting with a ''Europe of the Regions''.In esse. English Studies in Albania2015;5(1):p.51–71.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen; Rixen, Stephan (eds.).Catalonia in Spain and Europe. Is There a Way to Independence?.1ed.Baden-Baden:Nomos;2015.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen; Rixen, Stephan.Some conclusions and final reflections.Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen; Rixen, Stephan (eds.).Catalonia in Spain and Europe. Is There a Way to Independence?.1ed.Baden-Baden:Nomos;2015.p.224–228.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.El poder de la premsa.Schreiber, Krystyna (ed.).Què en penses, Europa?.1ed.Barcelona:Angle;2015.p.159–181.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.Unabhängigkeit und Sprachproblematik in Katalonien.Da Silva, Vasco/Rössler, Andrea (eds.).Sprachen im Dialog. Festschrift für Gabriele Berkenbusch.1ed.Edition tranvía Verlag Walter Frey, Berlin;2015.p.260–282.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.Independent Catalonia - a viable new European state?.Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen; Rixen, Stephan (eds.).Catalonia in Spain and Europe. Is There a Way to Independence?.1ed.Baden-Baden:Nomos;2015.p.209–223.
Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.Bild dir (d)eine Meinung.Schreiber, Krystyna.Die übersetzung der Unabhängigkeit.1ed.Dresden:Hille, Dresden;2015.p.203–228.
Rixen, Stephan; Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen.Introduction.Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen; Rixen, Stephan (eds.).Catalonia in Spain and Europe. Is There a Way to Independence?.1ed.Baden-Baden:Nomos;2015.p.7–13.
Navarro, V..Pages of History.International Journal of Health Services2015;45(1):p.195–198.
Navarro, V..Report from Spain: The Political Contexts of the Dismantling of the Spanish Welfare State.International Journal of Health Services2015;45(2):p.405–414.
Navarro, V..Obituary, Giovanni Berlinguer, Founder of the Journal.International Journal of Health Services2015;p.585–586.
Navarro, V..Ataque a la democracia y al bienestar. Crítica al pensamiento económico dominante.1ed.Barcelona: Anagrama;2015.
Obydenkova A, Libman A.Understanding the survival of post-Communist corruption in contemporary Russia: the influence of historical legacies.Post-Soviet Affairs2015;31(4):p.304–338.
Libman A, Obydenkova AV.CPSU Legacies and Regional Democracy in Contemporary Russia.Political Studies : the Journal of the Political Studies Association of the UK2015;63(Suppl. 1):p.173–190.
Ortiz, L.; Rodriguez-Menés, J..The Positional Value of Education and ites Effect on General and Technical Fields of Education: Educational Expansion and Occupational Returns to Education in Spain.European Sociological Review2015;22:p.0–0.
Pulignano, V.; Ortiz, L.; De Franceschi, F..Union responses to precarious work: Italy and Spain compared.European Journal of Industrial Relations2015;p.0–0.
Ortiz, Luís; Riba, Clara.Institutionalisation Of Trade Union Activity: Four Indexes And Their Ability To Explain Cross-National Differences In Strike Rate.O Riain, Sean; Behling, Felix; Ciccia, Rossella; Flaherty, Eoin (eds.).The changing worlds and workplaces of capitalism.1ed.London:Palgrave Macmillan;2015.p.118–173.
Ortiz, L.; Wolbers, M.. The Role of Educational Expansion in the Early Occupational Attainment Process: Empirical Evidence from a CrossEuropean Perspective. International journal of comparative sociology 2016; p. 0–0.
Pallarés, F.; Astudillo, J.; Verge, T..Spain: Unresolved Integration Challenges in a Party Led Descentralization.Renzsch, W.; Detterbeck, K,; Kincaid, J. (eds.).Political Parties and Civil Society in Federal Countries.1ed.Oxford University Press, Ontario, Canadà;2015.p.227–253.
Arpino, B.; Esping-Andersen, G.; Pessin, L.How do Changes in Gender Role Attitudes towards Female Employment influence Fertility? A Macro-Level Analysis.European Sociological Review2015;(31):p.1–13.
Rajmil, Daniel.The Middle East, deterrence and nuclear deterrence.Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos2015;p.0–0.
Ramió, Carles.L'Administració del Segle XXI: un monstre en extinció o una institució a recuperar?.Nous horitzons2015;54(210):p.64–71.
Ramió, Carles.La Administración Pública del Futuro: La Administración 2.050.GIGAPP Estudios Working Papers2015;(2015-8):p.40–40.
Ramió, Carles.Tensores reaccionarios a combatir y tensores progresistas a incentivar para lograr la institucionalización e innovación pública en América Latina.Revista del CLAD: reforma y democracia2015;(61):p.5–42.
Ramió, Carles.Análisis y Causas de la Corrupción Política en España (1990-1015).Revista de estudios locales (CUNAL)2015;(182):p.8–30.
Ramió, Carles.Administración Pública y crisis institucional. Estrategias de reforma e innovación para España y América Latina.1ed.Madrid:Ed. Tecnos;2015.
Ramió, Carles.La extraña pareja. La procelosa relación entre políticos y funcionarios.2ed.Madrid:Ed. Catarata;2015.
Ramió, Carles.Corrupción y Administración pública en España.Marco, J.; Nicasio, B. (coord.).La Regeneración del Sistema. Reflexiones en torno a la calidad democrática, buen gobierno y la lucha contra la corrupción.1ed.Valencia:CEU-AVAPOL;2015.p.27–38.
Ramió, Carles.Próleg.Mas Castellà, Jordi.Eines per a la millora de la gestió municipal: innovació en els serveis públics.1ed.Càtedra Enric Prat de la Riba d'Estudis Jurídics i Locals / UAB;2015.p.7–8.
Brugué, Quim; Mir, Narcís; Ramió, Carles.El futur del govern i l'administració de l'AMB: tensions i equilibris.-.Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona.1ed.Barcelona:AMB;2015.
Ramió, Carles. La renovación de la función pública. Estrategias para frenar la corrupción política en España. 1 ed. Madrid: Ed. Catarata; 2016.
Revilla, M.; Ochoa, C..Open narrative questions in PC and smartphones: is the device playing a role?.Quality & Quantity : European Journal of Methodology2015;p.0–0.
Revilla, M.Effect of using different labels for the scales in a web survey.International Journal of Market Research2015;57(2):p.225–238.
Revilla, M..Comparison of the quality estimates in a mixed-mode and a unimode design: an experiment from the European Social Survey.Quality & Quantity : European Journal of Methodology2015;49(3):p.1219–1238.
Revilla, M..Impact of raising awareness of respondents on the measurement quality in a web survey.Quality & Quantity : European Journal of Methodology2015;p.0–0.
Revilla, M.; Ochoa, G.What are the links in a web survey among response time, quality, and auto-evaluation of the efforts done?.Social science computer review2015;33(2):p.97–114.
Revilla, M.; Ochoa, C..Quality of Different Scales in an Online Survey in Mexico and Colombia.Journal of Politics in Latin America2015;7(3):p.157–177.
Revilla, M.; Saris. W.E.; Loewe, G.; Ochoa, C..Can a non-probabilistic online panel get similar question quality as the ESS?.International Journal of Market Research2015;p.0–0.
Revilla, M.;j Cornilleau, A.; Cousteaux, A.S.; Legleye, S.; de Pedraza, P..What is the gain in a probability-based online panel of providing Internet access to sampling units who previously had no access?.Social science computer review2015;p.0–0.
Revilla, M.; Saris, W.E..Correction for measurement errors in survey research: necessary and possible.Social Indicators Research2015;p.0–0.
Revilla, M.; Saris, W.E..Estimating and comparing the quality of different scales of an online survey using an MTMM approach.Engel,, U. (ed.).Survey Measurements: Techniques, Data Quality and sources of Error.1ed.Frankfurt:Campus;2015.p.53–74.
Revilla, M.; Toninelli, D.; Ochoa, C.; Loewe, G..Who has access to mobile devices in an online opt-in panel? An analysis of potential respondents for mobile surveys.Toninelli, D.; Pinter, R., de Pedraza, P. (eds.).Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies.1ed.Londres:Ubiquity Press;2015.p.119–139.
Ballart, Xavier; Riba, Clara.Contextualized measures of public service motivation: the case of Spain.International Review of Administrative Sciences2015;p.1–20.
Salvador, Miquel; Riba, Clara.Epistemic Communities and Service Delivery Choices in Spanish Municipal Administrations (aceptado para su publicación).Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis2015;VII(2):p.0–0.
Ortiz, Luís; Riba, Clara.Institutionalisation Of Trade Union Activity: Four Indexes And Their Ability To Explain Cross-National Differences In Strike Rate.O Riain, Sean; Behling, Felix; Ciccia, Rossella; Flaherty, Eoin (eds.).The changing worlds and workplaces of capitalism.1ed.London:Palgrave Macmillan;2015.p.118–173.
Riba, C.; Ballart, X.. La motivación para el servicio público de los altos funcionarios españoles: medida y efectos. Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas 2016; (AbrilJuny): p. 65–82.
Zapata Barrero, Ricard, Rubio-Carbonero, Gema.Interculturalidad y política cultural.1ed.Bellatera;2015.
Rubio-Carbonero, Gema., Van-Dijk, T. A.Marco discursivo: Hacia la construcción de un discurso anti-racista.Rubio Carbonero, Gema, Van Dijk, Teun A..Las condiciones de la interculturalidad. Gestión local de la diversidad en España..1ed.Tirant Humanidades;2015.p.111–136.
Salvador, Miquel; Riba, Clara.Epistemic Communities and Service Delivery Choices in Spanish Municipal Administrations (aceptado para su publicación).Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis2015;VII(2):p.0–0.
Garriga, Anna;Sarasa, Sebastián; Berta, Paolo.Mother¿s educational level and single motherhood: Comparing Spain and Italy.Demographic Research2015;33(42):p.0–0.
Sarasa, Sebastián; Navarro, Lara; Porcel, Sergio. Clase social y privación material entre los inmigrantes de países pobres en Cataluña. Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas 2016; p. 0–0.
Sobrino-Garcés, C..Recensión a Kingston, Sarah: Prostitution in the Community. Attitudes, action and resistence. Routledge, N.Y..InDret: revista para el análisis del derecho2015;(4):p.1–2.
Solé-Auró A, Beltrán-Sánchez H, Crimmins EM.Are Differences in Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Gender, Race, and Education Widening at Older Ages?.Population Research and Policy Review2015;34(1):p.1–18.
Solé-Auró A, Michaud PC, Hurd M, Crimmins E.Disease Incidence and Mortality in Older Americans and Europeans.Demography2015;52(2):p.593–611.
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