Atrás The DigiDoc Seminar will hold its first session of 2021, adressing the relationship between gender and a research career

The DigiDoc Seminar will hold its first session of 2021, adressing the relationship between gender and a research career

Our next DigiDoc Seminar will address the relationship between gender and a research career: realities and challenges


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The DigiDoc Research Group welcomes you to the next DigiDoc Seminar. This seminar will focus on the relationship between gender and a research career, and the perception of women researchers who lead research projects in the field of Culture, Communication and Media Studies. Furthermore, the speakers will address the challenges they face in their careers as female researchers. At the end of the speaker’s intervention, a round of questions will be opened among the attendees, in order to encourage debate. 


The Seminar will be held on Wednesday, 20th of January at 15:30. The speakers of this seminar will be:


This Seminar has been organized by Dr Matilde Obradors, (Senior Lecturer at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra's Communication Department), researcher at the DigiDoc Research Group.


This is a broad invitation, and anyone who is interested in this topic should feel welcome to attend the seminar. 

This event will take place online at:



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