Back The UPF will subsidize eighteen solidarity projects promoted by members of the university community

The UPF will subsidize eighteen solidarity projects promoted by members of the university community

The call for 2023 financial aid for social commitment and sustainable development projects promoted by UPF Solidària has been resolved. A total of 25 projects has been chosen in this edition, many linked to knowledge transfer and education as a fundamental pillar. Most of the proposals are geared towards cooperation with African countries, although local projects are gradually increasing. This year, the envelope is EUR 40,000.



The purpose of the call is to grant grants to finance projects, activities or actions linked in solidarity and development cooperation, with a clear emphasis
 on knowledge transfer or training trainers. In addition to the general criteria of the call for and prioritization of projects linked to the objectives of sustainable development (SDGs) No. 3 (Health and welfare), No. 10 (Reducing inequalities) and No. 13 (climate action), and the relationship with the Planetary Welfare lines linked to these SDGs, this year there has been added as a priority factor SDG number 7 (Affordable and non-polluting energy).

The financial endowment for the call, this year of 40,000 euros, comes from the solidarity fund, which includes funds from the University's general budget, the Social Council's budget and the voluntary contributions of members of the university community (students, teachers and staff 'administration and services) or other specific donations.

This year, the Evaluation Commission has selected eighteen projects, which will receive grants ranging from EUR 1000 to EUR 4 000. The Commission has been chaired by Vice-Rector Esther Oliveras, and has been made up of representatives of the different groups of the University (PAS, PDI and students), a representative of the Social Council, an expert on these types of external calls and members of the UPF's Social Responsibility field.

Among these eighteen projects, there are four that will be executed by entities that first submit to the call. One example is the Radiofonia initiative, the TEAdir association, an activity that will be carried out between Barcelona and Sant Boi de Llobregat in which the aim is to promote the social inclusion and empowerment of people with ASD thanks to the creation of a radio program.

It should also be noted that projects will be developed in different parts of the world: in Africa, with eleven projects, with the innovation of an entity that will carry out its programme in Liberia, a country that has not yet participated in the call. In addition to one project in South America, two projects in the Asia-Pacific area and, finally, a total of four projects in Catalonia, mostly in Barcelona.

Let us take this opportunity to highlight the summary of the projects that received financial endowment at the call in 2022: once justified, we have created an infographic to see, in real data, the impact of the call for social commitment grants and sustainable development.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
