Presentation of programme resources
Through a face-to-face interview, we tell students about the available resources.
Welcome and orientation protocol
The protocol includes the different actions that are developed from the situations that may occur during the academic year.
Accessibility in teaching spaces
We provide sufficient means to improve accessibility to the different spaces of the university.
Adaptation of educational materials and resources
We work on improving teaching materials so that they are accessible.
Curricular adaptations
We advise teachers according to the accessibility needs of their students, taking into account the requirements of each subject.
Accessibility on websites and electronic media
We monitor the electronic resources available to improve their accessibility.
Conferences and courses oriented to disability

Through the Inclusion in Classrooms programme, training is offered to teachers. Information sessions are also proposed annually for university administration staff.

Orientation and labour intermediation actions
We give companies guidance regarding the necessary adaptations in the work environment when a student needs this.
Job placement
We send job offers to students on the programme according to their profile.
Scholarships and grants
We provide information on the specific scholarships and grants available according to students’ needs.
Advice and support for teachers
We attend to teachers’ inquiries about adaptive tools and resources, evaluating the most appropriate according to the profile and need of each student.
Special educational needs tutor

The educational needs tutor has the role of preforming the academic monitoring of the student based on the agreed-upon teaching adaptations.

Students who need it, have confident and free access to this service.