I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Social Science at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). I am a member of the SocioDemographics Research Group (DemoSoc) at UPF. I earned two master's degrees, one in Business and one in Actuarial Science and Finance, before getting my Ph.D. from the University of Barcelona in 2009. I concluded a two-year postdoctoral fellow in the Multidisciplinary Research Training Program in Gerontology working with Dr. Eileen M. Crimmins at the University of Southern California (USC, USA) and I was a research fellow in the "Mortality, Health and Epidemiology" Unit at Institut national d’Études Demographiques (Ined, Paris) (2013-2014). I am periodically visiting researcher at Ined (Paris), at USC (Los Angeles), and at the Max Planck Institute for Demography – MPIDR (Rostock).

The long and healthy life of my grandfather, Tonet —who died at 103 years old—sparked my lifelong interest in the aging process. My passion is to study the aging process and how it links to social systems.

My research aims at analyzing micro empirical data on health –gender health disparities-, aging, longevity and dependency, mainly in Europe and the U.S., to help to address how extending healthy active years of life and wellbeing is feasible. My research focuses on understanding the determinants of health, the association between gender and health in different socioeconomic dimensions, and how people live longer healthier lives in multiple high-income countries. I am involved in projects that try to understand why different countries experience differences in health and longevity that could be due to economic, demographic or cultural differences across populations.

Keywords: Healthy Aging, Active Aging, Social Determinants of Health, SES/Gender Inequalities in Health. 


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Ashley Montagu


Ciències Polítiques i Socials

Jaume I Building (Ciutadella Campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona

 +34 93 542 25 24

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