Roberto Gargarella, born in Argentina, graduated in Law and Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, obtained his LLM and PhD from the University of Chicago and pursued post-doctoral studies at Balliol College, Oxford University. 

He has worked as a researcher and visiting professor at several universities around the world, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Norway, Israel, Italy and the United Kingdom. 

He is currently Professor of Law at the Torcuato di Tella University and the University of Buenos Aires and leads the ERC-funded research project "Institutional Changes for Democratic Dialogue (ICDD) at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. 

He has published several books on constitutional theory and political philosophy, including "Manifiesto por un derecho de izquierda", 2023; "The Law as a Conversation Among Equals", 2022; The Legal Foundations of Inequality”, 2010; “Los fundamentos legales de la desigualdad", 2005; “Las teorías de la justicia después de Rawls", 1999; “La justicia frente al gobierno” 1996; and "Autonomía y discriminación en la transición democrática, 1988. 

Departamento de Derecho

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 +34 935422885
 +34 935421719

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