Back "El Primer diccionari de medicina il·lustrat" arrives to the healthcare waiting rooms of Girona

"El Primer diccionari de medicina il·lustrat" arrives to the healthcare waiting rooms of Girona





Imatge inicial

This dictionary, directed by Dr. Rosa Estopà —principal investigator of the project TOGETHER of the research group IULATERM (UPF)—, was published in collaboration with the Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Girona (COMG), and has been distributed to the schools of Girona at the beginning of 2019, now arrives to the health centers of this Catalan province in video format.

The whole dictionary with its definitions and extra content has been converted into audiovisual format and distributed to hospitals, clinics and CAPs (primary healthcare centers) of the province of Girona in order to be reproduced on the screens of the waiting rooms of these healthcare facilities. The COMG has distributed about 60 USB memories to collegiate pediatricians. The video is also available on the COMG website and on the website of the project TOGETHER.

The president of COMG, Dr. Josep Vilaplana, made the delivery of a USB memory to the reagional director of Health of Girona, Dr. Miquel Carreras, to stage the collaboration established with CatSalut and launch the second phase of the dictionary project.

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