The Academic Committee of Admission and Coordination (CAAC) is responsible for implementing the system of internal quality assurance and carrying out the necessary actions for the development and organization of the programme. This committee prepares the curriculum and the necessary documentation for the accreditation of the quality of the programme, according to the criteria of the Agency.

Article 19 of the Regulations of the Department of Communication regulate the Master's degree Academic Committee (CAM). This committee comprises the director of the Department, the assistant director of postgraduate studies, the dean of the Faculty of Communication, the coordinator of the doctoral programme, the coordinators of the university master's degree programmes organized by the Department, the members of the interdepartmental master's degree programmes organized by the Department, the members of the inter-universities master's degree programmes involving the Department, a master's degree student representative elected by and from among students who are members of the Department Board, and a representative of the administration and services of the Department. The CAM will appoint a permanent committee representative of the plenary committee.

The CAM is responsible, via delegation of the Department, for approving the syllabus and proposing new master's degree studies. It is responsible for the management, promotion, and coordination and monitoring of the Department's master's degree programme studies and prepares the necessary documentation for the process of accreditation of quality master's degree programmes, actively participating in the procedures for quality assurance agencies. The CAM has to make proposals to the committee concerning UPF's master's degree programmes and any other function that the regulations of the UPF entrust to it.

Each academic year, the CAM produces the Degree Monitoring Reports by gathering information and analysing the indicators. These reports are the main tool to ensure the quality of the curriculum. The monitoring reports are sent to AQU, making the appropriate recommendations.

After four years of implementation of the programme, it must undergo the accreditation process in accordance with the procedure and deadlines established by the Government of Catalonia and, in any case, should include a visit by experts from outside the University. The criteria for accreditation are jointly established by the quality agencies that are members of theEuropean Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and are registered in the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) in accordance with international quality standards, especially the ESG and other legislation.

Monitoring reports:

AQU Degree Monitoring Report

Accreditation of the degree

  • AQU
  • The accreditation of the university master's degree in  international Studies on Media, Power, and Difference