Back Vega Esquerra, Amador


Departament d'Humanitats - Institut Universitari de Cultura
Bibliotheca Mystica et Philosophica Alois M. Haas
University Professor

Amador Vega (Barcelona, 1958) is director of the Centre for Research in Aesthetics, Religion, and Contemporary Culture (CERCCA) and Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory. He is Joan Miró Chair of Contemporary Art (UPF-Fundació Miró) as well. His writing, teaching, and research imagine new relational and descriptive possibilities in the field of aesthetics, drawing together philosophy, theology and the vocation of the negative in art and literature. Specific research areas include: the theological turn in twentieth-century European philosophy; Meister Eckhart and the High German Middle Ages; the Kyoto school; western mysticism and its legacies in art and literature; minimalism, abstract expressionism, and contemporary art; and new experimental pedagogies (performance philosophy).  

Since completing his PhD at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, he has taught in the UPF Department of Humanities since its founding in 1993, and has held visiting professorships (Joan Coromines Visiting Professor, 2007) at the University of Chicago, the Université Saint Joseph in Beirut (2010), and the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (2016-2017), and teaches regularly at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich. He has curated several high-profile exhibitions, including ‘Ramon Llull: The Thinking Machine’ at Barcelona’s CCCB (2016), and ‘Dia-Logos: Ramon Llull and the Ars Cominatoria’ at the ZKM | Centre for Art and Media (2018) and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (2019). He is currently Principal Investigator of the Haas Research Group on ‘Poetics of Knowledge’ at UPF.

He is the author of numerous essays and books, including: "The Armenia Archive. A Ramon Llull Project" (Artnodes, forthcoming 2024), "Philosophy at a Crossroads" (Angelaki. A Theoretical Journal of Humanities, forthcoming 2025), Tentativas sobre el vacío: ensayos de estética y religión (forthcoming, Fragmenta, 2022), El final de la elegía: lectura de Rilke (Universidad Iberoamericana, 2021), Dia-Logos: Ramon Llull’s Method of Thought and Artistic Practice (ed., with Peter Weibel and Siegfried Zielinski; University of Minnesota Press, 2019), Meister Eckhart: El fruto de la nada y otros escritos (Siruela, 2014, 8th edition), Libro de horas de Beirut (Fragmenta, 2014), Sacrificio y Creación en la pintura de Rothko (Siruela, 2010), y Arte y Santidad: Cuatro lecciones de estética apofática (Cuadernos de la Cátedra Jorge Oteiza, 2005).

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