#Escuela Cívica
In the context of the cooperation with Barcelona Civic Lab (such as in the Gender and ICT program), the program will support the organisation of the 1st Escuela Cívica, a project aimed at sharing and promoting experiences of citizen empowerment using technology. The activities hosted by DTIC-UPF are:
- July 13th 19h, auditorium. Documentary Primavera Ciudadana (Printemps Citoyen, teaser here), presented by the author. Free with participatory entrance. Details and registration here
- July 14th 18:00h: Digitalización de la ciudadanía: programación como cultura, Monica Rikic (link)
- July 19th 18:00h: Install party GNU Linux, Valeria Rogatchevskikh, PyLadies (link)
- July 20th 18:00h: Ciudadanía Ágil. Pinar Wennerberg de Thoughworks & ColectivaT (link)