Back Seminar: "Criterios y procedimiento de concesión de permisos penitenciarios" (8/02/2018)

Seminar: "Criterios y procedimiento de concesión de permisos penitenciarios" (8/02/2018)

Criminology and Criminal Justice System Research Group


The seminar is aimed to think about the possibility to increase legal certainty in the granting of prison leaves and also to establish best practices.


Dr. Beatriz Cruz (Universidad de Cadiz), Dr. Elena Larrauri and Dr. Martí Rovira (Research group on Criminology and Criminal Justice, UPF) organize this new seminar about prison leaves, which will take place on February 8th 2018 at Sala de Graus Albert Calsamiglia (room 40.035) of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Campus de la Ciutadella).

The seminar is aimed to think about the possibility to increase legal certainty in the granting of prison leaves and also to establish best practices. The participants of the seminar will be Vicenta Cervelló (UV), Beatriz Cruz (UCA), Salvador Cutiño (UPO), Rosario Gómez (UCA), Oscar Herrero (CP Cáceres), Elena Larrauri (UPF), Eduardo Navarro (Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona), Joan Picó (UPF), Martí Rovira (UPF), Séneca Sánchez (Jurist, CP Quatre Camins),  Núria Vilarubias (Direcció General de Serveis Penitenciaris) and Concepción Yagüe (CP Sevilla).

A certificate of attendance will be provided to people who request it. To this end, an attendance sheet will be provided during the seminar's day.


Febr 25, 2018

9.00 a.m.

Room 40.035 A. Calsamiglia (Roger de Llúria Building)

Poster & Programme



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