
Specific Skills

  • Show knowledge of criminological reasearch on advanced Criminology
  • Designing a research project consistent Criminology
  • Correctly use techniques of qualitative and quantitative analysis development of a research project
  • Write a scientific paper suitable for publication in a journal, in both Spanish and English
  • Run a team research that integrates different perspectives of analysis

General Skills

  • Teamwork
  • Demonstrate the ability to work independently
  • Properly manage time to improve performance
  • Planning the tasks according to available resources
  • Offer structured final reports of research in wich they appear clearly with ReCeCo objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions
  • Consistently draw practical implications of empirical research analyzing the costs and properly possibilities of success
  • Draft a thesis, which includes an autonomous working hypothesis, sources, methodology, and implications research
  • Appropriately transmitted as part of a conference or seminar scientific ideas, and empirical work carried out in both a specialized publica as a non-specialist audience in Spanish and English