The Comparative Literature Research Group's remit is to create a space for documenting, reflecting on and discussing the recent transformations in the make-up of literature studies with a view to incentivising scientific production, exchange and international dialogue, and the carrying out of research projects based on the specific disciplinary approach of Comparative Literature characterised by a supranational perspective, monitoring of the interactions between diverse literary systems and attention to literature's relationship with other arts and other forms of cultural production. Research on the changes in the conception of literature studies in recent decades will provide a platform for the future development of the discipline in the 21st century and adapt the research and teaching methods to meet the new challenges.

Funding organisation: AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya
Type: grup de recerca emergent 
Duration: From September 2009 to April 2014
Reference: 2009 SGR 883
Coordinator:Monegal Brancós, Antonio
Team members: Aparicio Maydeu, Javier; Besa Camprubí, Carles; Berga Bagué, Miquel; Cots Vicente, Montserrat; De Chiara, Maria Filomena; Fernández Porta, Eloy; Gifra Adroher, Pere; Oliver Rotger, M. Antònia; Oller Rovira, Dolors; Pfeiffer, MichaelRufat Perelló, Hélène, and Vinardell Puig, Teresa.
Referring webpage