Ignacio Lago is Professor of Political Science at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) and Doctor-Miembro of Juan March Institute (Madrid). He holds an ICREA Academia Award (2019-2024). His recent publications have appeared in the British Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Electoral Studies, European Journal of Political Economy, European Journal of Political Research, Party Politics, Social Science Quarterly and Oxford University Press. He is currently the Chief Editor of Frontiers in Political Science. Elections and Representation and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Public Opinion Research.

Research Interests

Using mainly a quantitative and comparative approach, Ignacio Lago examines the following issues:

  • The political consequences of electoral laws: Institutional and sociological determinants of the number of parties that compete in a polity, strategic voting, partisan bias, coordination problems in electoral systems.
  • Political Behaviour: Economic voting and accountability in mass elections, religious voting, determinants and consequences of turnout.
  • Issues in Political Economy: Tax morale, composition of public spending, budget structure.
  • Political Parties: Nationalization of parties and party systems, impact of decentralization on the organization of parties.
  • Sports & Society: The convergence of sports and society.
  • Decentralization: Consequences for governance.


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Department of Political and Social Sciences

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Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona

 (34) 93 542 2266
 (34) 93 542 2372

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