Back Mars Oddity on Kickstarter!

Mars Oddity on Kickstarter!



Mars Oddity, the sci-fi interactive còmic, has launched a Kickstarter to fund their project.

The prologue is also out!

What is it about? After 4 years of successfully terraforming Mars under the M-LISA program, the International Space Agency (ISA) is sending two of his best astronauts, Lupe García and Yun Lao, to join the rest of the team in Mars and gather samples of biological tests and bring them to Earth. 

Little they know about the kind of dangerous situation they’re getting into. Only your choices can help bring them safely back home.  

Mars Oddity is an upcoming interactive comic with a choose-your-own-adventure feel about the misadventures of two astronauts in a Martian base and the obscure secret behind their journey.  

There are two different narratives, one for each of the main characters and both running in parallel to each other. You will have to make a first decision that will determine the kind of story you are going to read: Do you want to follow Yun or Lupe? 

Your choices matter and will determine their future and shape their relationship.


Imatge inserida 2


More information, mail them at [email protected] o via social media @Mars_Oddity





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