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Make the most of the digital world to generate positive social impact through the creation of apps and websites

Project history and goals:

When he was 15 years old, Pol Villaverde learned to program and creating mobile apps became his hobby. Over time, he has published a dozen of apps on App Store and Google Play. These already have 1.2 million users, including "Jo mai mai by @Unidestroyer", that reached #1 in the Spanish rankings. However, over time he has realized that what truly motivates him is contributing to social impact through digital technology.

That's why Splashapps aims to put apps at the service of worthwhile causes, especially in the field of education. One of the most outstanding projects is "Juga amb les síl·labes", which during the peak of the pandemic helped to digitalize education so that 3,000 students from 40 schools in all Catalan-speaking territories could continue learning the basics of spelling confined in their homes.

For more information, see this interview from "360UPF" magazine, the MetaData report and the Splashapps website.


  • Pol Villaverde, graduate in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and social entrepreneur.