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UPF engineers at CodeClub



What is the CodeClub?

CodeClub is an initiative with the objective of bringing kids between 10 and 12 years old closer to programming using Scratch, an educational open source visual programming language. You can get more information at their webpage CodeClub Catalunya or via mail at [email protected] . For questions don’t forget checking out their FAQ.

How is CodeClub organized?

Public libraries from all over Catalonia participate in this project, handing over spaces to realize the activities. The workshops are free and are managed by students volunteers, like Jordi Auladell, computer science student Jordi Auladell, who describes his experience in this article.

The teams are, at top, formed by 12 children, and generally are managed by two volunteers.

What is CodeClub goal?

CodeClub aims to develop children’s creativity, planning and critical thinking through videogame programming. They also encourage the collaboration between universities and Catalan public libraries.

How long is CodeClub project?

There will be 10 total sessions at the libraries, that will go from October to January. Dates will vary depending on the library, as well as the starting date. The sessions are weekly and last an hour and a half.

What kind of support do volunteers receive?

Before CodeClub starts, a formation session will be held at Sala d’Actes from the Palau Marc at Departament de Cultura (Rambla de Santa Mònica,8), in October 31st, from 16.30 till 18.30. Aside from this formation, each library will give to you personal assistance and material to use in your sessions. In the official CodeClub web you can find a forum where you can write you suggestions and questions.

Plus, you can obtain 1 ECTS!

Read Jordi Auladell's experience, computer science degree student, to know more about what means to volunteer at Code Club.

How can you collaborate with CodeClub_Biblioteques 2017-2018?

It’s really easy, you only have to fill this form before October 12th.




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