Back Atienza Cerezo, Encarnacion


Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge - Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada
Translation and Language Sciences
Researcher Gr@el

She teaches at the Faculty of Translation and Language Sciences (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). She was previously a tenured professor of Spanish Language and Literature in secondary schools as well as a teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language at various private institutions. Currently, she combines research with classroom practice and training for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language.

Being a Doctor of Education Sciences, her main line of research has been the teaching of written discourse and what this entails: learning assessment, functions of literacy in teachers' training, social functions of literacy, analysis of specific aspects of Pragmatics,etc. Currently, she is focused on on the analysis of the construction of identities and educational materials in teachers' reflective discourse.