Back Ricciardelli, Francesca


Doctorat en Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Francesca has a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures (French and English) from the Università di Bologna, Italy (2014) and in 2016 she finished her first Master's in Language Sciences at the Università Ca 'Foscari in Venice, Italy, with her thesis on the teaching Italian LE at The Cultural Association of the Molise Region, in New York. In 2019, she completed her second Master's Degree in Italian Literature and Language Studies at California State University Long Beach, where she worked as a teaching staff for Italian for Spanish Speakers and as a researcher at The Clorinda Donato Center for Global Romance Languages ​​and Translation Studies. She has been teaching Italian LE and Italian literature since 2015 in private schools.


Her research interests include teaching through literature and Intercomprehension between Romance languages ​​and eco-feminism and the translation of various Italian dialects into other languages. Her doctoral thesis, under the direction of Phd. Carmen López Ferrero and Encarnación Carrasco Perea (UB), focuses on understanding Italian literature texts for Spanish, Catalan and Spanish and Spanish and English speakers.