Constitucionalismo social y económico: nuevos retos del Estado de Derecho en Europa
Constitucionalismo social y económico: nuevos retos para el Estado de Derecho en Europa (2018-2020)
Constitucionalismo social y económico: nuevos retos para el Estado de Derecho en Europa (2018-2020)
The main objective of the research is to review the dynamics of interaction between economic and social objectives in a context of growing international integration from the perspective of the Rule of Law.
In this sense, the previous research of the research team on the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, and its impact on the Spanish constitutional system, highlighted the need to review the mechanisms of the Rule of Law, given that the globalization of economic decisions and the national-local nature of social policies not only prevented the effectiveness of the former, but also hindered the control of public action.
The multiplicity of legislators, the growing use of various types of soft law regulations and instruments, their difficult access and complexity, the conditionality to which financial assistance programs are subject, and the search for mechanisms for compliance with regulations in an adverse scenario undermine the principles of the Rule of Law such as legality, publicity, legal certainty and the responsibility of public powers. Furthermore, jurisdictional control is weakened, both by European and national courts, as they show a high degree of deference towards political powers, to the detriment of the guarantee of the rights of individuals, especially those of a social nature.
In this context, the project promotes the rule of law at all institutional levels, as well as its transparency. Not in vain, the general objectives of the project are 1) study of the interaction between economic and social powers in the context of the European economic crisis; 2) critical analysis of the impact of the legal force of economic powers from the perspective of the rule of law; 3) critical analysis of jurisdictional control from a multi-level perspective; and 4) review of existing mechanisms and formulation of proposals to address the challenges posed to the rule of law and legitimacy in the exercise of public power.
The project focuses on the cases of Greece, Italy and Portugal but many of its conclusions can be extrapolated to other States immersed in processes of economic integration or international negotiation of their public debt. The project thus seeks to provide tools to improve the accountability of the institutions involved in these decisions from the perspective of social rights. It also seeks to provide the courts with tools to protect social rights by constructing argumentative frameworks that allow for effective jurisdictional control of actions carried out in international economic programs with a strong impact on national social policies.
Principal researchers
Aida Torres PérezMaribel González Pascual
Marc Carrillo LópezAndrés Armando Cervantes Valarezo
Victor Ferreres Comella
Juan Camilo Herrera Prieto
Rafael Jiménez Asensio
Dmitrij Lisovskij
Héctor López Bofill
Gracy Pelacani
Marcela Priego Berezaluce
Jorge Ernesto Roa Roa
Alejandro Saiz Arnaiz
Joan Solanes Mullor
Jokin Alberdi Bidaguren
Rafael Bustos Gisbert
Laura Capuccio
Carlo Casonato
Maria José Corchete Martin
Diane Beatrice Formage
Juana Goizueta Vertiz
Ana Rosa Gonzalez Murua
Mario Hernandez Ramos
Antonios Kouroutakis
Benedita Mac Croire
Duina Marinas Suarez
Giuseppe Martinico
Juan Antonio Mayoral Diaz-Asensio
Lina Papadopoulou
Sophie Perez Fernandes
Sofia Pinto Oliveira
Anna Margherita Russo
Roberto Toniatti
Juan Ignacio Ugartemendia Eceizabarrena
Maite Zelaia Garagarza
17.000 €
Funding authority: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad