Back Aidelman Feldman, Nuria Lila


Departament de Comunicació
Adjunct lecturer

Biography note

Núria Aidelman Feldman (Buenos Aires, 1979) is a lecturer in film and photographic studies for both the Graduate and Masters degrees in the Faculty of Audiovisual Communication at the UPF. Degree from the same university, she gets the DEA on Film Studies at the Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle in 2005. Her main research interests are photographic and film analysis based on the processes of creation, film pedagogy and comparative cinema. She codirects A Bao A Qu, an organization dedicated to the teaching of artistic creation, and film creation in particular, among whose projects feature 'Cinema en curs' and ' Fotografía en curs'. Between 2003 and 2011 she was a cinema programmer at the CCCB. Together with G. de Lucas she has co-edited Jean-Luc Godard. Pensar entre imágenes and is the author, among others, of the articles "Photographier en cinématographe" (Plossu Cinéma), "La trace de leurs pas. À propos des archives du tournage de Pierrot le fou" (Jean-Luc Godard. Documents), "En quête d'un visage. Images de ce qui fuit" (Images documentaires), "Zum pädagogischen Potenzial kreativer Filmarbeit. Das Schulfilm-projekt Cinema en curs " (Vom Kino lernen) and "Del cine hecho con agua" (Erice-Kiarostami.Correspondencias).


Research lines

- Study of film and photographic creation.
- Pedagogy of cinema.
- Cinema compared.


- Photography Workshop in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication at the UPF
- Cinema of the real in the Master in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual at the UPF

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