The methodology of corpus analysis to be employed involves close study of concordances taken from a large computerized corpus. Specifically, we will employ Corpus Pattern Analysis, which uses a shallow ontology to describe the various roles a noun can have in a verbal situation, and will extend it to analyzing adjectives. CPA will also be applied to nouns, however, as Hanks (in press) notes, the results are somewhat different, because CPA as applied to nouns yields an analysis in terms of norms and exploitations. Gimeno’s thesis studies how to better characterize exploitations, especially as used in literary texts, because at this early time in the development of the theory exploitations seem to be a sort of escape hatch for otherwise inexplicable data. Presumably there is more systematicity involved, and Gimeno’s task is to discover what it is. Most CPA will be done in Barcelona, although some will be carried out in France and in England.